Accrington Observer

Hyndburn mayor

- Peter Britcliffe

AMAZINGLY 60 days have passed since my daughter Sara and I became Mayor and Mayoress of Hyndburn. To say they have been 60 eventful days is putting it mildly, and not always for the good.

All of us have been well and truly shocked by some awful happenings in the country, the dreadful Manchester bombing, London Bridge, Finsbury Park Mosque and the horrifying fire at the Grenfell tower block in Kensington.

Three of these events were as a result of terrorism. It is difficult to find anything good to say. Yet I witnessed goodness at the vigil we attended at St James Church in Accrington in the wake of the Manchester bombing. Hundreds gathered to remember the victims. People of all religions and creeds, rich and poor, old and young, gathered creating a bonding spirit across our community. It is this spirit that sends out a message to those who seek to harm us, a message that tells them they will never win and that there is far more goodness around to withstand their evil. They will never prevail.

That evening in the lengthenin­g shadows in the churchyard in Accrington, sad though it was, Sara and I felt very proud and humble to be your Mayor and Mayoress and to have the honour of representi­ng you all for the next twelve months.

Nine days before the Manchester attack the mood in Hyndburn was very different as we celebrated being supported by our peers to become the 44th Mayor and Mayoress of the Borough. This was another emotional occasion, but this time a happy one.

Friends of ours from all over the country came to support us Derek Rushton from Cornwall, Angela Fisher (former landlady of the old Rose and Crown), Andrew Barnett from London, many of my dear friends locally, and last but not least, Patricia Light and Joyce Rogerson who travelled 1,000 miles from L’Estartit in Spain. I would like to thank them all it was fabulous to have them with us.

Following the civic ceremonies, it was back to my home where I can tell you an odd glass or two was shared. Then in the evening I had arranged a party for everyone. It was packed from 7.30 till midnight, and we were splendidly entertaine­d by my friends Stuart and Jill MacFadden’s daughter Olivia and Nick Phethean, and many thanks to my son Dominic, who is acting as my consort and who provided the buffet. It was a brilliant day, spent with so many friends and I can tell you it was a very tired mayor who climbed into bed in the early hours of Saturday, 14th of May.

However don’t think I slept in .....By nine the next morning we were off to start the Annual Rotary Walk , an awesome event that has raised thousands and thousands of pounds for charity over the years,

Just one of many local events of which I will tell you more next time...

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