Accrington Observer



PARENTS to foot bill for town centre yobs caught this weekend. Police have obtained a 48-hour dispersal order to tackle anti-social youths (website, January 11)

Julie Taylor: I was in Aldi the other week and a group of kids were all sitting on the shelf where you pack your bags a member of staff told them to leave. They just sat there I couldn’t keep quiet I had to say something to them ... had they not heard the person asking them to leave? They looked at me at first but thankfully left. I must admit I felt a bit uneasy leaving the store in case they were waiting for me to give me abuse but luckily they had gone ... you try and bring your children up to respect your elders not threaten them. Chris Patterson: It truly is a very different world these days Julie, and sad to say, not a better one. Carla Mclennan: Kids are sods! They will conspire and tell their parents they are staying out at their friends for the night “Mum I’m sleeping at so and so’s house” but they don’t and stay out as late as possible causing trouble! I know of kids who have done that and did it often! Edna Beach: The parents should phone the friend’s parent and verify it or tell them they must come home. Carla Mclennan: Edna, they should but some parents are too trusting of their kids. Or the kids do genuinely sneak out when the parents are asleep. Elaine Kelbie: Too trusting - NO! More like they don’t care, would never let mine sleep anywhere without seeing the patents! Carla Mclennan: What if the child has done a sneak out when said parents are asleep? Janet Francis: I think many of us did this occasional­ly when we were young, especially if you had very strict parents, and not to cause trouble but to go places. My friend and I each told our parents we were staying at the other’s house overnight, which was not unusual, but really we were going to a party. Perfect until our mums bumped into each other on the way out of church the following morning and one of them asked whether we were still asleep! Luckily my friend’s little brother warned me, on the way home, that they knew so I walked in and confessed that we’d been to an all night party, apologised and asked whether I should have rang at 2am to tell them. Jade Hartley: McDonald’s is a nightmare for it. They buy a small drink and about 6 of them just share it, sat at table. I feel more sorry for the staff on the floor that has to put up with them every day. Melissa Travis: Yes been hanging round Accrington Victoria hospital as well. Bad language and ripping brochures up and throwing on the floor and posting in vending machine. When asked to leave they swear at you. Have been both boys and girls. Lisa Bello: About time, however why on earth kids of that age are hanging about causing this I will never understand. Being a parent myself of teenagers I know where mine are at all times. So I agree if you are not willing to parent your kids then foot the bill for such. Joanne Wife-Zilla Webber: This is all well and good if the police are going to distinguis­h between those who are making trouble and those who are using it as intended, after all they have just installed technology so that people stay and use it. Leighton Wilky Wilkinson: Good! Police do nothing to them, it’s about time something was done. Annette Taylor: It’s not just at night they are regularly on the market causing trouble around 3-4 pm vandalisin­g property and upsetting stallholde­rs. Gary M Hough: All you’re missing now is conscripti­on for the little so and so’s causing the problems and then were sorted. Sam Lane: I have had kids knocking on door on my street were I live at 3am when they should be home in bed. Their mother must not care about them if they are up at that time. Jessica Louise Wilkinson: About time something was done and it’s about time these so called parents knew where their children are and set some boundaries! Andrea Adamson: Maybe if parents foot the bill they might keep a tighter leash on their anti social ‘out of control’ no respect youngsters. Kelly Jones: Every kid should get an asbo or fine of some kind. Parents will soon want to know where their kids are, when they are going to court and getting fines. Whether they are sneaking out or not. I agree that most kids have done it but its usually to go to a party or something. Heather Anne Bradley: Come on, most people have said staying at a mates when your not - parents should only be penalised if their child does it a couple of times that way they have been warned and will check with the parents of the child that they are in fact staying there. Debbie Rogerson: Why are 11-16 being allowed to stay out into the early hours of the morning?? Neil Grimshaw: Would help if there were things for them to do. No such thing as youth funding in Accrington. Not that it’s an excuse for bad behaviour. You have to tackle the problems and the bottom line is there’s nothing positive for the youth of the town. Sabina Marie: Yes there is... there are youth groups, activities at sports centre, youth clubs... but some of these activities aren’t deemed as “cool”. Also parents could do activities with their kids... Robert Bury: We never really had anything either when we were younger. We didn’t behave like this though. We found our own things to do. They’ve no excuse. Parents fault. Behaviour is learned, lack of respect is passed down. Rachel McNicholas: If my 11 year old son was in town in the early hours I’d be devastated! Who in their right mind lets their children out till the early hours?! I start freaking if my 12 year old isn’t home by 8.30pm. Karen Allan: Good, it’s about time parents started taking responsibi­lity for their children. If they had discipline­d right from being babies they wouldn’t be having these problems. I just hope the powers that be keep their word and also tackle anti social behaviour across the whole borough. Roisin Hummerston: Some of these kids parents might not know they are out ....sneaking out the window while they’re in bed. Jonathan Garratty: Well they will soon find out when they get a nice bill. David O’Connor: Tough. Parenting is raising a person to be a well-rounded and morally decent adult. Too many young people going around doing exactly what they want to with no reprisals these days. Karen Allan: If children are brought up right from the beginning parents would know where their children are and they would behave themselves. I’m glad parents are going to be punished. Amanda Britland: But will the parents ever pay the fine? Probably not. Craig Bowker: This is why we need something for the kids to do, not another gym. Tori Chadwick: Great news. For gods sake follow through with the enforcemen­t!

 ??  ?? According to Facebook correspond­ents there have been instances of anti-social behaviour by yobs at Accrington McDonalds, Accrington Victoria and Accrington market
According to Facebook correspond­ents there have been instances of anti-social behaviour by yobs at Accrington McDonalds, Accrington Victoria and Accrington market
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