Accrington Observer

Conneely: We learned our lesson


ACCRINGTON Stanley captain Seamus Conneely insists his team have learned from their heartbreak two years ago ahead of their promotion push.

The Reds look destined to clinch promotion and move into League One, but they were in a similar position two years ago before falling agonisingl­y short and missing out.

With that in mind, Conneely says the players won’t be getting ahead of themselves and know what they have to do in order to escape League Two.

“I think we learnt from two years ago. We were in a really good position and we let it slip away from us,” he told the club’s official website.

“Five of the players from that team are still here, it’s the same management team and the fans went through it as well so we won’t be getting carried away. We haven’t achieved our goal of promotion yet, that’s still to be accomplish­ed.

“Our dressing room is buzzing, the lads are full of confidence but we are not overly confident as we know there is a long way to go.”

Conneely also admits his side have a lot of difficult fixtures over the coming weeks against some of the teams around them in the table.

“We still have to play a lot of teams who are in with a shout of making the play-offs or automatic promotion so there is still a lot of work to be done,” he said. “We are certainly guarding against any complacenc­y in the camp and we are focused on what our goal is – that’s promotion and anything else is a bonus.

“We know we are the team to be shot at now, we are the form team but we want to be the team who have just won five on the bounce. Teams are probably looking at us and seeing us as a big scalp so we have got to be wary of that, we want to be one of the best teams in the league and think our form shows we are.”

Stanley are back in action this weekend away at Colchester United.

 ?? Richard Sellers ?? Stanley skipper Seamus Conneely
Richard Sellers Stanley skipper Seamus Conneely

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