Accrington Observer



PLANNING chief Coun Eamonn Higgins loses bid for town square cafe area (‘Outdoor cafe seating area off menu’, July 20): David Glynne Taylor: The simple fact is the “town” got new paving because the council didn’t need to pay for it. I personally think that the seating area is a good idea, it can be seen from a good way out and it draws people over to not only the cafe but also market and let’s face it that side of town is quiet since they moved the bus station. Sam Leonard: Don’t like the fake turf but think an outdoor seating area would be better than empty town square. Yes flags look nice but folk won’t be coming into town just to look at flags! Diane Johnson: Flags needed to be interspers­ed with different pavers creating some sort of pattern. At the moment it looks what it is a load of flags. Shaz Riley: Should have been passed. It looks great. Would have attracted a lot of people to all of the market and town centre. Robyn Duckworth: I think it’d look lovely with seats, benches, flowerbeds, trees..... Oh wait.... Just how it used to be! Tom Smith: Yeah it looks rubbish. I agree with something being there, but not tied into one specific shop/cafe. Maybe get a universal outdoor seating area, with different food vans around. Josh Blayne Allen: I personally wouldn’t have minded the seating area, on the condition that the turf is removed and the boards with the Pals pictures on was replaced with plain black. Peter Kaye: At least something is being done to make Accrington a bit better looking, to bring more people into the town James Ford: Looks a complete mess. The council have finally made a right decision by refusing the applicatio­n on this. Tina Entwistle: I think it’s a great idea! Looks lively and inviting instead of a desolate depressing empty space. Shirley Prior: Think it looks tatty Chris Vose: Looks like a greasy spoon

CENSUS projection­s forecastin­g Hyndburn’s population will drop faster than the rest of Lancashire (‘Leader sounds alarm as figures predict big fall in population’, July 20):

Alison Una Gabryszak: We don’t need more housing built, there are empty homes that need doing up Tony Kipax: There are worse places to live... personally I love Hyndburn and Accy. Neil Mooney: Hyndburn needs new high quality homes to attract people to the area with money to spend in Hyndburn. Simon Allin: I think there are things that could be done, but I’m a bit concerned it may be too late. Better rail links would be a start - and the recent connection to Manchester via the Todmorden curve is obviously a step in the right direction. Chris Vose: No more new houses needed do the ones up we have, stop selling our land off so that devel- opers can make profit. Stewart HoulkerCol­linge: Redevelop the structural­ly sound terrace houses (they did a good job in the Woodnook area). Aesthetica­lly terraced houses go with the architectu­re of Accrington, not chocolate box modern houses. Accrington is a small town, and losing 3,000 people over 21 years is not really going to leave us desolate (unless the council is just worried about its projection­s on council tax). Don’t redevelop old brown sites and turn them in to more unaffordab­le housing, or competitiv­e garish modern business spaces, there are so many of them standing stagnant too. Look at the offices next to the Arnadale and Viaduct in Accrington, stood empty for years, when homeless people started to stay under the porch, they put up big metal bars to stop it. Create more green outdoor spaces, turning Hyndburn in to a smaller and more eco friendly borough. Make Hyndburn in to something different from other boroughs, think of what this area has which is unique to others and promote that instead, as I’ve said before we can’t compete with Burnley and Blackburn’s centres in this small geographic­al area.

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