Accrington Observer

Besotted man sent birthday card to woman from prison


ABESOTTED man breached a restrainin­g order by sending a handmade birthday card to a woman from prison, a court heard.

Mohammad Shazad Khan, from Accrington, had previously been convicted of harassing the victim in May last year and was given a restrainin­g order against her.

The father-of-three, 38, was then jailed for 46 weeks in November 2018 for stalking her and breaching the restrainin­g order.

Prosecutor Stephen Parker told Burnley Crown Court that less than a month later he sent her a handmade birthday card from prison with the drawing of a love heart


The court heard that the victim became ‘worried and frightened’ and initially thought Khan had been released early from prison in order to post the letter.

In a victim impact statement she said she now struggled to sleep and has ‘nightmares about bumping into him’.

Mr Parker said the victim ‘feels her life has been put on hold’ and the defendant is ‘pushing her to the limit’.

He said: “She can’t understand why the defendant won’t leave her alone and let her live in peace.

“He said in the past he loves her but you don’t hurt the people you love.”

Khan, of Whalley Road, Accrington, was found guilty after a trial at Blackburn Magistrate­s Court of breaching the restrainin­g order.

Defence barrister Laura Barbour said Khan admits he was ‘stupid’ and is the ‘author of his own misfortune’.

She told the court: “They were very much involved in a romantic relationsh­ip.

“He was very much in love with the complainan­t.

“The defendant recognises and accepts that his behaviour has caused untold and massive discomfort and fear for this complainan­t. He recognises he should not have been in contact with her in any way.

“Up until recently he genuinely believed he had a right to continue to communicat­e with the complainan­t and a right to understand why their relationsh­ip had broken down.

“He says he was stupid. He now finally gets it and if he wants to get out of custody he must stop.”

The court heard that Khan was released from the 46-week jail sentence in February this year but was remanded in custody two days later.

Judge Nicholas Barker gave Khan an 18-month jail sentence and an indefinite restrainin­g order.

He is also prohibited from entering Hyndburn for 12 months.

Judge Barker said Khan had acted in a ‘selfish’ way which had a ‘serious impact’ on the victim’s life

He said: “You think you have the right to have an answer from her, you have a right to contact her and have a right to contact her. Let me spell it out for you. You do not.

“If you do you will be remanded into custody for longer and longer.”

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