Accrington Observer

Dealers in court over ‘county lines’ drug chain


TWO drug dealers working for a county lines gang in Accrington have been sentenced.

‘Hopeless addicts’ Gareth Nicholson, 41, from Accrington, and Anette Waldron, 47, were working for the ‘Saj’ line - an organised crime group in Bradford, distributi­ng heroin and crack on the streets of East Lancashire when they were stopped twice in September 2017.

In September 2017 the pair were in Nicholson’s car in India Street, Accington, when they were pulled over by police.

Waldron was searched by a female police officer and had a Kinder egg containing 17 wraps of crack and 19 wraps of heroin in her underwear.

She was taken to the police station where another wrap fell out of her shoe.

The pair were released under investigat­ion but on September 26 they were stopped again - this time in the Church area. No drugs were found but officers were concerned enough to search their home in Devon Place, Accrington.

In the kitchen they found three wraps of heroin and seven wraps of crack, along with plastic snap bags.

A mobile phone rang continuous­ly while officers were searching the property.

When officers examined the phone they found messages from Nicholson to the members of the Saj gang, asking to work for them and offering the use of his car.

Preston Crown Court heard Waldron and Nicholson were both drug addicts who were dealing to feed their own habits.

Nicholson had managed to fight his addiction for 17 years and had settled down with a family and a business, but when his father died he lost it all and descended back into drugs.

Since 2017, Waldron has made significan­t efforts to beat her addiction and is currently undergoing residentia­l rehabilita­tion, the court heard.

Judge Philip Parry said: “In September 2017 you both became involved in the supply of class A drugs onto the streets of Accrington and Blackburn, dealing on behalf of an organised crime group that had come to the local area from out of town - often known as county lines.

“I have not seen any evidence that you were aware that you were involved in county lines. It didn’t really matter to you where these drugs were coming from.

“You each made a decision in September 2017 that because of your own addiction to drugs that you would assist those higher up the chain in peddling these class A drugs onto the streets of Lancashire.”

Waldron had earlier pleaded guilty to a charge of possession with intent to supply heroin and crack cocaine.

Nicholson had earlier pleaded guilty to a charge of being concerned in the supply of Class A drugs.

The judge said Nicholson, of Medina Close, Accrington, was more heavily involved that Waldron, seeking out his role within the operation.

He jailed Nicholson for three years and handed Waldron, now of Mosley Street, Blackburn, a twoyear prison sentence suspended for two years with rehabilita­tion requiremen­ts.

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 ??  ?? Gareth Nicholson was jailed for three years for dealing class A drugs
Gareth Nicholson was jailed for three years for dealing class A drugs

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