Accrington Observer

Robin Hood inspires forest visit


PRIMARY school pupils inspired by the legend of Robin Hood have enjoyed a day outdoors in the forest.

Year 5 students at St Paul’s CE Oswaldtwis­tle have been reading the book ‘Outlaw’ by Michael Morpurgo as part of their literacy topic ‘Legends of the British Isles’.

The book is based on the legend of Sherwood Forest’s most famous resident and the youngsters spent the day forest exploring, shelter making, problem solving and learning how to become expert archers.

Year 6 pupils also enjoyed some early learning about their ‘light’ science topic for next term with a trip to the Museum of Science and Industry.

The year group later attended Brave Church in Oswaldtwis­tle to participat­e in wellbeing, self-esteem and selfworth activities and developed strategies for dealing with peer pressure.

Acting headteache­r Gina Smith praised Malcolm Earl, deputy district charity steward of the East Ribble Masonic Charity Fund, for their ‘generous donation’ of £250.

The money will be used to help the R.E.A.C.T (Rights Ethos And Christian Team) provide a quiet area for prayer and reflection in the school yard with a prayer chair.

Staff and children have also visited the St Paul’s patch at Rhydding’s Kitchen Garden to harvest vegetables and prepare for autumn.

Gina also hailed their ‘amazing’ Year 5 pupils for leading Friday morning worship and covering the topics of religious and cultural diversity across the world.

She said: “The children talked about beliefs from world religions and showed us how important it is to respect each other’s individual and faiths and beliefs.

“Parents and carers joined the children after their worship for a brew and a cake.”

 ??  ?? The East Ribble Masonic Charity Fund gave St Paul’s £250, which will be used to fund a prayer chair and quiet area in the school yard
The East Ribble Masonic Charity Fund gave St Paul’s £250, which will be used to fund a prayer chair and quiet area in the school yard
 ??  ?? Pupils learned archery skills and spent a day in the forest
Pupils learned archery skills and spent a day in the forest
 ??  ??

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