Accrington Observer

Charity cyclist slept rough in 3,500-mile quest



A5 5 - Y E A R- O L D man has cycled 3,500 miles around the coastlines of England, Scotland and Wales to raise money for charity.

Peter Girbin completed the epic challenge in 56 days and braved torrential rain and sleeping in bus stops and under bushes.

The self-employed sheep shearer has so far collected more than £600 for the Teenage Cancer Trust and he aims to boost the total at an event in Accrington next month.

Eleven musical acts and bands will perform at Platts Social Club on Saturday, November 9 from 12pm with proceeds going to the charity.

Peter, who previously ran a garage and skip firm at Altham Industrial Estate, completed the Lands End to John O’Groats cycling challenge last year and wanted to go one better in 2019.

He started the coastline cycle at Preston Docks on August 3 and travelled north to Scotland before circling back around England and Wales.

Peter told the Observer: “It was just myself. It was quite an experience sleeping in bus stops, under bushes and in trees.

“It was quite tough. The weather was the worst part. There was terrible rain.

“It was lovely last year and I only had two wet days. This year in Scotland alone I only had two dry days.”

Peter, from Blackburn, added: “The actual riding itself I was quite happy with. I’m not an athlete or a bike rider as such but it was still something I wanted to do.

“There were a lot of hills in Devon and Cornwall which were hard but the main thing was finding somewhere to stop at night.

“I had a tight budget so I had to sleep rough a lot of the time to afford to do it.”

To donate visit www.­g/stressed-pete1

 ??  ?? Hyndburn Mayor June Harrison unveils the three decorative panels at The Park Child and Family Centre Children with children and staff from Little Stars Nursery at the Park
Hyndburn Mayor June Harrison unveils the three decorative panels at The Park Child and Family Centre Children with children and staff from Little Stars Nursery at the Park
 ??  ?? Peter Girbin cycled around the coastlines of England, Scotland and Wales
Peter Girbin cycled around the coastlines of England, Scotland and Wales

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