Accrington Observer




MEMBERS of Great Harwood WI enjoyed their first training session for the WI walking netball initiative last week which replaced our craft session.

DECEMBER Walking Programme

The Coach Ramble to Kirby Lonsdale takes place on December 1, a choice of various walks and booking is essential.

Starting at 9.30am on December 8 is a walk to Tockholes which is grade C and 10 miles.

A ramble of the Oswaldtwis­tle circular starts at 10am on December 15, which will be grade D and six miles.

On December 22 there will be a Christmas walk starting at 9am, this will be grade C and 10 miles.

Our AGM is on

Monday, November 11 at 7.30pm at Sydney Street WMC, Accrington.

All walks except the coach rambles start at Plantation Street car park

Accrington at times stated above.

Wednesday walks take place throughout the year leaving Plantation Street car park at 9.30am.

A choice of two walks grade A or B.

Destinatio­n decided the week before.

Wednesday walk enquires Brian Wohlters 01254 871 851.

All other enquires Nigel Brooke 01254 887 750.

Find us on Facebook.


KATHLEEN welcomed Barbara and Roger as new members in an almost full-house at our last meeting.

John Hartley does not like teachers.

He knows, because he was one, for over forty years.

A slightly risky icebreaker, to a group including many who had also followed that calling, but it worked.

Accy Stanley supporters were then treated to the ‘tin-can-genie’ story but John’s talk was actually based around the white feathers, handed to non-combatants during the Great War.

He then presented and explained his collection posters, as used by HMG to encourage men of military age, anybody under fifty eventually, to do their bit on the Western Front.

The sheer, futile brutality of what they were really being asked to do was never even hinted at in pictures of heroic defenders of an idealised, rural English way of life.

A way of life the majority could never have dreamed of aspiring to.

These posters appear to us, today, to be several steps beyond coercive, some even bordering on blackmail, including the classic, ‘What did you do in the Great War, Daddy?’

Conscripti­on didn’t start until 1916 Admiral Fitzgerald sponsored the idea of encouragin­g ladies to present this badge of cowardice to anyone they perceived as shirking their duty.

So, how not to be buttonhole­d, literally, as a shirker?

John then presented and explained his amazing collection of lapel badges, designed to indicate that the wearer was actually doing essential war work.

These were supposed to have been collected and destroyed at the end of hostilitie­s.

Fortunatel­y, there were so many of them that some were bound to survive and these have found their way into the hands of someone who can tell their story.

John kept us entertaine­d and, when we left the room, content that we had learned something.

Many of us must have wished we had been fortunate enough to be taught by someone as capable as Mr Hartley.

David expressed this in proposing his enthusiast­ically endorsed vote of thanks.

Kathleen closed the meeting by reading two appropriat­e poems on the theme of war and loss.

There are still some vacancies for new members.

If you are retired or retiring soon, and would like to try a taster, please come along to the Accrington Town Hall on Monday, November 4, from 10am, in the Gallery/ Supper Room, at the top of the stairs from the main foyer.

Introduce yourself and enjoy coffee, a biscuit, and good company.

We meet every first and third Monday, barring Bank Holidays.

 ??  ?? Members of Great Harwood WI
Members of Great Harwood WI

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