Accrington Observer

Rivals state case to get your vote


WITH the general election less than a week away, we asked all the candidates vying for your vote to pitch their plan for the future of the borough.

The first winter election for nearly a century, the election has been labelled ‘The Brexit Election’ by some, as it was called in an attempt to break the parliament­ary deadlock over the country’s withdrawal from the European Union.

There are five candidates standing in the December 12 election in the Hyndburn seat - Graham Jones for Labour, Sara Britcliffe for the Conservati­ves, the Green Party’s Katrina Brockbank, Gregory Butt for the Brexit Party and Adam Waller-Slack for the Liberal Democrats.

Mr Jones is defending a majority of 5,815 having held the seat ever since gaining it from Labour in 2010.

Below, the five candidates vying for the seat set out their stall ahead of the election.


THOSE of us who have served overseas in the Armed Forces know the enormous respect in which our democracy is held, a democracy now crippled by the cynical actions of a Parliament that repeatedly twisted hallowed convention­s to keep us in the EU.

Despite the overwhelmi­ng number of MPs who in 2016 voted to implement Article 50, the last rotten Parliament failed to secure our exit.

Boris Johnson and ‘Big Business’ hail the Withdrawal Agreement as a ‘breakthrou­gh’, but it keeps us tied to EU institutio­ns forever and locked into the trade talks that will likely last for at least 3 years. And the EU will control this process, not us - sound familiar?

The Liberal Democrats shamelessl­y campaign to reverse the Referendum result.

A Labour Party in total disarray, whose MPs tried and failed to remove its leader, proposes EU renegotiat­ion and an additional referendum, the sure way to total chaos! Who in their right minds would trust this discredite­d rabble to lead us into the New World after Brexit?

What possible expertise could THEY bring to any future negotiatio­ns?

We need a strong voice to exercise REAL power for a REAL Northern Powerhouse, not a tired Tory slogan from a Tory Party that has shown scant regard for our proud towns.

With a strong voice we will change our electoral system to Proportion­al Representa­tion where everyone’s vote counts; ‘First Past the Post’ has no place in a modern society and must go, along with the House of Lords!

Every day shows the Northern Powerhouse for what it is; empty words, with the North South divide denying us a fair crack of the whip on law and order, funds for regenerati­on, the NHS, integrated transport and an education system that equips young people for a rewarding working life.

Vote Brexit on December 12 to secure our exit from the EU. Help us guide our country into a prosperous future.


THREE and a half years ago the majority of people across Hyndburn voted to leave the European Union.

If residents here want to get Brexit done, there is only one choice at this upcoming election and that is a vote for myself and the Conservati­ves led by Boris Johnson.

Hyndburn has been let down by Labour under a remain MP who voted against the majority of his constituen­ts.

If people want change it’s a clear choice between the Conservati­ves and Labour under Jeremy Corbyn, whose plan to spend £1.2 trillion would wreck our economy.

We need to get Brexit done and then we can get on with the job of improving the place where we all live so we can focus on the things that matter to you.

The last thing we need is a second referendum and another year of argument and division.

During my campaign I am trying to meet as many of you as possible, and from those I have met already and as a local councillor, I am well aware of your other major concerns such as health, education, our town centres, policing and the environmen­t.

That is why I welcome the promise of record levels of funding for the NHS, the 20,00 police officers being recruited across the country and more funding for education.

As your MP I will fight to ensure we here in Hyndburn and Haslingden get our fair share of resources.

This is my home, it’s where my family and friends live and work and I know the problems we all face here so I am determined to change things for the better.

And, by working with you all, I know we can bring about that change.

But I can only do it with your support on December 12.


WE have entered a new global era - we are the first generation to realise the impact of unpreceden­ted growth on our fragile planet, and we are the last generation who can do something about it.

The Green Party is the only party with the vision and freedom know what needs to be done, and to get on and do it to protect our children’s future.

This is a climate election. The climate and ecological emergency facing us all needs to be our number one focus, and the golden thread running through all our systems, processes, policies and communitie­s.

The Green Party is visionary - our own Green councillor, Carla Denyer, led the first council to declare a climate emergency which has been replicated across 270 councils and our MP Caroline Lucas pushed the Green New Deal on to the government­s agenda.

We are the only party committing £100bn per year for 10 years to tackle the climate crisis.

This will in turn create new jobs in sustainabl­e industries, improve the transport infrastruc­ture, housing and decarbonis­e all aspects of our economy.

Funding for this will come from increasing borrowing and changing the tax laws.

A lot of the money is already in the system, just not in the right place!

We are a ‘Remain’ party. We stand a better chance of fighting the climate emergency as part of a unified Europe.

The climate knows no borders and the time and energy spent arguing over Brexit could be better spent tackling the biggest crisis of our time.

The European Parliament isn’t perfect and requires transforma­tion.

We are committed to reforming the Common Fisheries Policy, The Common Agricultur­al Policy and the European Refugee Policy as a starter for 10.

We would welcome a second referendum on the final deal, including an option to remain in the EU.


I care passionate­ly about this area, and despite 10 years of Conservati­ve cuts, I have managed to make a difference.

Several infrastruc­ture projects successful­ly completed; Towngate, Great Harwood Health Centre, the direct rail link to Manchester, others now being discussed at a national level.

Proud of heritage but clear about what is required for prosperity. The northsouth divide must end.

I also set out to help people. I run one of the best constituen­cy offices in the country, I’m one of the most responsive MPs and I’ve helped over 12,500 constituen­ts (over 27,000 responses).

In Parliament, I now chair an important House of Commons select committee; elected chair by Conservati­ves, SNP and Labour; sit on the Defence Select Committee and chair the TfN Parliament­ary Committee; Transport Across the North.

In Parliament I led the successful campaigns to clamp down on metal theft, to ban the crack cocaine of gambling, FOBTs (fixed odds betting terminals); forced the government to do U-turns on Channel 4 privatisat­ion and on the heartless Conservati­ve decision to deny housing benefit to anyone under 21.

We must build a better society, a better world.

My priorities are: Transport investment to bring employment (largest industrial estate in Lancashire built) and prosperity; skills and education – working with schools and training providers; saving our NHS from the disastrous Conservati­ve cuts, leading the campaign to oppose the closure of Accrington’s Walk-in Centre, the crisis in A&E at The Royal Blackburn Hospital and The Mount; preserving our heritage and boosting civic pride, speaking out in Parliament about inequaliti­es and importantl­y, protecting our environmen­t here and abroad.

I am proud of my leading role in building our civic society. Hyndburn Green Spaces Forum who’ve transforme­d our parks; Hyndburn’s major employers group, #AmazingAcc­rington who supported my Education Summit helping children experience local employers; and more recently ActiveHynd­burn.

I want to see a doubling in participat­ion in recreation over the next ten years. There’s more to do.


FOR too many people, things aren’t working as they should be.

Local people are telling me they are concerned about the state of our schools and our NHS; the rising inequality in our country; and the ongoing political crisis that is Brexit.

The Liberal Democrats are committed to stopping Brexit, freeing up a £50 billion remain bonus to spend on our country’s real priorities, rather than a project based on undelivera­ble promises and sold by dishonest politician­s out for personal gain.

The Liberal Democrats would boost our schools with an immediate cash injection.

We would free teachers from having to teach to the test by scrapping SATs and abolishing OFSTED.

As an NHS consultant, I know all about the increased strain our health service is under.

We would fund our NHS by putting a penny on income tax, whilst working with people from across all parties to work out a sustainabl­e, long term funding plan for health and social care.

We would tackle the epidemic of violence by increasing community policing, whilst spending £8 million more on youth services in Lancashire alone.

We would tackle the climate emergency by generating 80 per cent of our energy from renewables, insulating our homes, banning fracking, and investing in the rail and bus network.

We would confront the housing crisis by building 300,000 homes, including 100,000 for social rent, creating new garden cities and protecting tenants by ending no-fault evictions.

According to the IFS our planned budget is the most balanced and redistribu­tes the most.

Both Labour and the Conservati­ves have been dragged to the extremes, they have been beset by infighting and are led by divisive and unpopular leaders.

Only the Liberal Democrats have an ambitious plan for the future of our country, where every person, every community and our planet can thrive.

 ??  ?? Gregory Butt, Brexit Party
Gregory Butt, Brexit Party
 ??  ?? Adam Waller-Slack, Lib Dems
Adam Waller-Slack, Lib Dems
 ??  ?? Sara Britcliffe, Conservati­ves
Sara Britcliffe, Conservati­ves
 ??  ?? Graham Jones, Labour
Graham Jones, Labour
 ??  ?? Katrina Brockbank, Green Party
Katrina Brockbank, Green Party

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