Accrington Observer

Premium IPAs and video games is a banker, Tap Select reviewed



OSWALDTWIS­TLE doesn’t look like the kind of town to house a casual, cafe style beer bar, inspired by the Medieval city of Bruges in Belgium.

But take a small trip down the main street in Ossy and stop at number 320 on Union Road and you will find Tap Select. The bar that is trying to bring a proper beer culture to the town, offering up the best IPAs, ales, sour beers and stouts the world over has to offer.

The unit was once a bank and I can still faintly see the words: ‘Lloyds TSB’ etched into the metal door as I enter. It’s really the only sign that this room, now looking like an industrial, open spaced, micropub was once a place for shuffling customers and hurried talks about finances.

Now it is Oswaldtwis­tle’s best secret and one that is soon to enjoy its first birthday.

“I should have been organising something for that,” 34-year-old Tap Select owner Dom Senna tells me when I mention the occasion.

“But I gave up teaching to do this job because I wasn’t very organised.”

The first thing that strikes me about Tap Select is the industrial, stripped back feel. The space is open and roomy, even with just one open area for the bar, tables, retro games units and sofas, it doesn’t feel at all crowded. It is airy, it is calm, it instantly has that feeling of relaxing and enjoying oneself.

It’s hard to believe that when Dom first purchased the unit in 2018, the bulletproo­f glass and cashier desks (complete with those sliding trays to pass money back and forth) were still very much a feature of the space.

You wouldn’t recognise it as a bank now (thankfully) but as a place for real beer lovers. Craft ales I could only find in German bierhauses and ales I could only drink in Belgium cafés are dotted across the back of the bar and a whole row of new and exciting beers, most I’ve never heard of, stare back at me from the pumps.

“I do try all the drinks,” Dom says, leaning back in his chair as we chat, sat at one the establishm­ent’s tables a few hours before opening.

“It is one of the perks of this job, and I wouldn’t ever sell anything I didn’t think was good.”

But where did Dom’s love of the golden liquid and foamy top come from? As an ale fan myself I was surprised to find that his passion came, and grew, from such a young age.

“I hate lager,” he tells me. “When I was 18 I remember me and my mates going to the supermarke­t before a night to get some beers.

“They would always go for your Fosters or Stella and I would choose a new IPA each time.

“It became a habit and I was able to try a whole load of new beers by doing that.”

But Dom’s interest in real ale and beer, which began when he was a teenager, took a long time to come to turn him towards owning his own bar. Because, well, lets be honest, who thinks they can make a career from alcohol at 18?

Dom’s career started in a completely different sector and continued a world a way from what Tap Select is today.

He said: “I originally trained as a journalist and then I fell into working in education, I was living at home doing my degree.

“There was a job going doing PR at a school, I thought there was more money in working for local government than trying to be a newspaper journalist.

“I didn’t want to teach initially and it was my old high school and I had very vivid memories of what high school kids are like.

“But later on I realised that teaching high school kids was the best part of the job.”

Dom says he was ‘cajoled’ into teaching but eventually fell in love with the profession, moving away from media altogether in 2005.

But in 2005, Dom took a trip to the Medieval city of

Bruges in Belgium. Unbeknown to him, it was a holiday that would change his life and send him down a very different career path just three years later.

Bustling with tourists, cafés and museums, Bruges is one of the best preserved Medieval cities in Europe, dominated by its cobbled square and the tall spire of an 800-yearold clock tower. It is also home to a stunning brewery and a café displaying more than 2,000 beers.

“Just the café culture of proper beer bars where you can sit and drink, where it’s quite relaxed, I enjoyed that,” Dom tells me as we discuss his travels.

“There were so many great beers I had never heard of before and the energy of the place really appealed to me. There was nothing like that in Ossy.

“But then I came home and it was like: ‘back to the pint of Fosters in the pub again’.”

The experience of European beer and café culture, combined with his passion for IPAs and real ale led Dom to start thinking about owning his own business, a bar that spoke to him, a place where he could go, relax and be comfortabl­e.

“There’s plenty of places to drink in Ossy,” Dom said.

“But none did much for me. When you like something a bit specialist I find you’re not really spoilt for choice.

“The fact that Bruges really resonated with me and that there isn’t anything I could access at home started to stick with me.”

It was at this point that craft breweries and beer culture started to explode in Britain. Independen­ts like Brew Dog suddenly became household names and proper IPAs, ales and stout became mainstays in Manchester where the drink revolution had begun.

In 2018 the old Lloyds TSB building on Union Road in Oswaldtwis­tle went on sale whilst Dom was beginning to find his job as a teacher waring.

“Education was very different from when I started working to what it was in 2018,” Dom said, genuinely looking a little forlorn when he thinks back to his teaching days.

“It just felt like we were working harder and harder but the kids weren’t happy anymore and the goalposts were being moved all the time.”

Lucky for him his parents, Kim and Franco

Senna, own Francos, the Italian eatery on the same road and have been in the restaurant game for 30 years. With the bank giving him half the funds needed to get the old unit, Dom was in need of some support from his parents, it was them he had to convince to get on board with a new business venture.

“My mum, she didn’t really get it or understand,” Dom admits.

“She didn’t think I could do well without the serving food, whereas I was focused on the relaxed, beer bar idea.

“I started taking a lot of different beers up to try when I went round to my parents for dinner.”

Dom’s persistent beer suggestion eventually won his mother over and she agreed to help him buy the unit. Provided he served some food, Mum’s do know best.

Dom said: “We do serve food.

“Being the son of two restaurate­urs I should be a better cook but I’m not.

“But we survived without food to begin with, I remind her of that.”

In April the mother and son pair bought the unit, while Dom gave his threemonth notice at work, ready to finish work in the summer and start a refurb.

The unit definitely needed it.

As Dom said, it was still a bank when he first walked in, having bought the it: “When I got it there was still a bank centre, it still had an office space and cashier desks, everything, there was even a cash box.

“It was too heavy to move.”

The inside of the store was completely ripped apart. The polystyren­e roof tiles stripped, the counters removed, some of the glass repurposed and the floors pulled up.

“That was it really, we just started again with a blank canvas.”

Dom got a builder in and from there it was a case of keeping the bar stylish but affordable. The industrial look was settled on, exposed brick, stripped ceiling, recycled and recovered furnishing­s.

“I taught IT so I was able to mock up a design for the place,” Dom tells me casually.

“The builder was able to do it for me so we were sweet.”

Dom’s plan replicates Tap Select as it is now perfectly, with the vision he was able to pull up transition­ed into real life.

It was then a case of getting hold of old scaffoldin­g wood and poles, buying his mates old dining table and then adding some unique touches to the whole place.

The bar has a resin top, holding in place guitar picks, beer mats and a host of bottle tops from some of Dom’s favourite beers.

But the most important features are the custom retro arcade games added to one corner of the bar.

“I’ve always been a gaming fan,” Dom tells me, pointing out the game inspired artwork on the walls.

“I’m a bit of a nerd, the pillar has red, grey and black tiles, which matches the retro Nintendo game and the name Tap Select also relates to games, like when you select something on a console.”

There isn’t anywhere in Ossy where you can come in, sit down, relax and enjoy a unique IPA whilst playing retro 80s video games like Donkey Kong or Pacman.

But it’s not just that which makes Tap Select unique, it’s Dom himself.

For someone who has managed to take a disused building and build it into a successful bar inside a year, someone who must be so driven to succeed, Dom remains so serenely calm. Up against older, better staffed and more establishe­d pubs in Ossy, he’s succeeded.

Maybe it’s his knowledge of beer, or more his passion and drive to find more beer.

Perhaps it’s his parents, who he is eternally grateful to for their input.

Or perhaps its just that he has simple aims and his eyes on the prize and keeping the prize simple.

When asked what his plans are for the future, he shrugs in that casual way and says: “At the minute, I just want to survive and get my head round doing things right.

“I’m still here so I must be doing alright!”

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