Accrington Observer

Weapons sale ban vote ‘yes’


HYNDBURN’S Full Council meeting has passed a Green party motion urging the government to stop selling weapons to Israel and impose sanctions on its leaders because of the conflict in Gaza.

Six Labour councillor­s abstained in the vote at the meeting in Accrington Town Hall last Thursday night but six voted for it.

Proposed by Peel ward’s Paddy Short it said: “This council notes the continuing rising death toll, starvation of Gaza citizens, displaceme­nt and devastatio­n to homes, infrastruc­ture and environmen­t in Gaza and the continuing threat of escalation beyond Israel, Gaza and the occupied territorie­s.

“This council believes residents are rightly concerned about the situation in the Middle East, its impact directly on people in our communitie­s and upon community relations, and the rising tide of incidents of both antiSemiti­sm and Islamophob­ia.

“This council resolves to write to the Prime Minister and leader of the Labour Party calling on the UK government and Labour Party to:

Demand that Israel stop the killing and implement an immediate ceasefire and that Hamas must also agree to this ceasefire and release all hostages.

Call on the UK government to suspend all arms export licences to Israel until the killing stops, and to cease all military collaborat­ion with Israel, including allowing Israeli use of British bases and RAF intelligen­ce flights over Gaza.

We further call on the UK government and Labour Party to withdraw all public money from funds with investment­s in Israel, and end beneficial trade arrangemen­ts with Israel.

“We believe we can increase the pressure on Israeli leaders by introducin­g targeted sanctions.”

Hyndburn Council’s acting leader Cllr Peter Britcliffe said after the meeting: “One of Labour’s deputy leaders Cllr Kate Walsh said its councillor­s should abstain yet six voted for the motion.

“The party has suspended councillor­s in London for voting for a similar Green Party motion. What action is Hyndburn Labour going to take?”

Labour group deputy leader Cllr

Noordad Aziz said: “It was not a whipped vote.

“Hyndburn Labour councillor­s can vote with their conscience.

“The language used was not language I would use personally and therefore with a heavy heart I abstained. It is clear that Hyndburn Conservati­ves are unhappy with their MP Sara Britcliffe and the government’s position on the Gaza conflict.”

Cllr Britcliffe said: “My daughter Sara and I have both publicly agreed with the government’s position on the need for a humanitari­an cease fire and that action is needed soon.”

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