Accrington Observer

‘My life was shattered in a moment’

Bereaved man campaigns for road safety


AHEARTBROK­EN man says his life was “completely shattered in a moment” when his pregnant partner and their unborn daughter were killed by a dangerous driver.

Calvin Buckley has revealed his anguish after he lost Frankie Jules-Hough and their unborn daughter Neeve after a horrifying crash on the M66. Reckless BMW driver Adil Iqbal, from Accrington, was mercilessl­y swerving between lanes at 123mph while filming himself before he lost control and smashed into Frankie’s parked car.

The Hollyoaks actress had pulled onto the hard shoulder due to a punctured tyre when the fatal collision occurred on May 13 last year. Tragic Frankie, 38, and her unborn baby girl passed away from injuries sustained days later.

Frankie’s two sons and nephew, who were also inside the car during impact, suffered injuries. Devastated Calvin now wants to highlight the consequenc­es of mobile phone distractio­ns behind the wheel and is endorsing a new campaign called ‘Touch. Screen’, which launched on Tuesday, May 7.

Calvin, from Oldham, said: “Two people lost their lives as a result of someone using their phone while driving, and to put it simply my life was destroyed. I lost my partner and the chance to become a father, but it has also affected many other people and the effects of this incident will stay with us for the rest of our lives.

“My life was completely shattered in a moment and now I’m trying to rebuild my life and make something positive out of it by supporting this campaign and the vision zero strategy.”

Adil Iqbal was previously sentenced to 12 years after he admitted causing the death of Frankie

Julia Hough and seriously injuring her nine-year-old son Thomas, in a motorway crash. However, in October last year, three appeal judges increased his jail term to 15 years after concluding the original sentence was unduly lenient.

The ‘Touch. Screen’ campaign, from Safer Roads Greater Manchester, is underpinne­d by the ‘vision zero strategy’ which aims to eliminate all deaths and life-changing injuries on Greater Manchester’s roads by 2040.

In the videos released as part of the ‘Touch. Screen’ campaign, three drivers can be seen using their mobile phone behind the wheel and becoming increasing­ly distracted as they take calls, respond to texts, change songs or check directions.

As they continue to take their eyes off the road and focusing on touching their phone, they are too slow to react to what happens next and the scene abruptly ends with a loud crash. On the campaign’s radio advert, Calvin’s voice can then be heard warning drivers about consequenc­es of becoming distracted while driving.

Calvin said: “It’s become quite common for people to use their phone to check messages, send photos or change the music while driving. The use of mobile phones in our society has grown, and for some people it’s all they’ve ever known.

“But all it takes is a split second to become distracted, and when you take your eyes off the road anything could happen. You could hit another car, a pedestrian, or injure yourself.

“Please don’t touch your phone while driving. You could get fined, get points on your licence or, more seriously, take somebody’s life.”

Superinten­dent Gareth Parkin from Greater Manchester Police’s Special Operations said: “The road requires your full attention whatever your mode of transport. Distractio­ns such as mobile phones and other handheld devices can cause you to lose your focus on the road and potentiall­y miss an upcoming hazard.

“Using a mobile phone could result in a fine, ban, or worse still, put somebody’s life at risk. Even hands-free options can be distractin­g, so ask yourself whether the call can wait. We have seen some devastatin­g incidents over the years which has significan­t impact on families, please don’t be the reason why you are the one that prevents someone from going home to their loved ones.”

The campaign encourages people to follow these steps to avoid becoming distracted while driving: Staying focused.

Putting your phone in a place where you won’t be tempted to use it, such as the glovebox, a bag or in your pocket.

Ensuring passengers know not to create a distractio­n.

Finding a safe, legal place to stop if you need to make a call or text, or to use your phone to change a song or check directions.

 ?? ?? Calvin Buckley said his life was destroyed on the day he lost his partner Frankie Jules-Hough and their unborn daughter Neeve in a crash
Calvin Buckley said his life was destroyed on the day he lost his partner Frankie Jules-Hough and their unborn daughter Neeve in a crash
 ?? ?? Calvin Buckley and GMP Inspector Jamie Buchanan launch the ‘Touch. Screen’ initiative
Calvin Buckley and GMP Inspector Jamie Buchanan launch the ‘Touch. Screen’ initiative
 ?? ?? Adil Iqbal, 22, was jailed for 12 years
Adil Iqbal, 22, was jailed for 12 years

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