Africa Outlook

Transport Links


AS OF 2016, Ethiopia boasted more than 60 airports around the country, largely thanks to the growth of Ethiopian Airlines. Chief among them though, and highly likely to be your target destinatio­n when arriving in the country, is Bole Internatio­nal Airport.

Both the airline and the airport are initiative­s driven by the Ethiopian Government and as such have proved integral to the overall growth of the country’s tourism and business travel segments; and by proxy, its economy.

Bole Internatio­nal Airport then offers connection­s to each of the 60 regional hubs, as well as to the rest of the world. Specifical­ly in Africa, it is continenta­lly significan­t in connecting to the majority of all capital cities. So much is this the case in fact, that passengers on their way to other

East African nations can enjoy a week stopover in Ethiopia at no additional cost; epitomisin­g the centricity and influence of the country and its foremost transport asset.

Once in the country, moving from place to place can become a little more complicate­d, but the country is once again replying accordingl­y via extensive improvemen­ts to its rail and road networks.

The likelihood is that the majority of your work will remain in Addis Ababa anyway, in which case your feet or the intra-bus services will suit just fine.

But if your stay truly is a nationwide one, then the country’s railways and aforementi­oned flight connection­s are more than apt.

Back in Addis Ababa though, should your stay be medium-long-term, then the car may be the best way to go. Buses are comprehens­ive and cheap but are also slow and often wait until they are full, rather than adhering rigidly to timetables.

And with a car, you can always go that extra mile to explore the less urbanised areas too!

 ??  ?? ETHIOPIA
Bole Internatio­nal Airport
ETHIOPIA Bole Internatio­nal Airport

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