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Remain: Neil Gray, MP for Airdrie and Shotts


The EU referendum is an extremely important vote and it is vital that we see a high turnout at the polls tomorrow.

I’d encourage absolutely everyone to get out and vote for the economic and social values of the EU that provide a host of benefits for people in Scotland.

Sadly, in some quarters this has become a referendum based on narrow arguments around immigratio­n, which plays into the hands of the Tory/UKIP Brexit alliance.

Comments made about immigrants ‘ taking our benefits’ and using our public services are unfounded.

The vast majority of people who choose to live here work and pay their way. They are crucial to the running of our public services, in particular the NHS. You’re more likely to be treated by a migrant doctor or nurse, than be in a bed next to someone from the EU.

This negative view is a right-wing excuse for more Tory cuts.

The referendum is evenly poised and it’s possible that even if Scotland votes to Remain we could still be dragged out.

It is easy for people to feel distant from the EU and its impact on our everyday lives.

For instance, many people in Airdrie will be unaware of the £175million contributi­on made by the European Investment Bank in 2014 towards the M8, M73 and M74 upgrade works.

There will be thousands of projects like this across the country and they would not happen without EU funding.

But it goes further than that, our rights as workers and citizens are protected by being part of the EU.

The EU protects and promotes our right not to be discrimina­ted against because of age, gender, sexual orientatio­n, race or disability.

A social charter that protects our rights as workers including the right to 20 days paid holidays a year and the right to maternity, paternity or parental leave is guaranteed at EU level.

It also protects brands, like Scotch Whisky, Stornoway Black Pudding and Forfar Bridies, ensuring they keep their premium status and cannot be produced elsewhere.

The single market of 500 million people is accessible to all of us through EU membership.

It means people from the UK can seek employment in other member countries without securing a work permit first. We can only influence the way the market operates by staying in.

We also have the added

security of member to member collaborat­ion on anti-terrorism, fraud and crime.

There is also the ease of movement. Do we really want to go back to queuing for visas to go on holiday to Spain, Greece, France, etc? I know I don’t.

If you think that a Tory Government tied to Europe is bad, consider an ultraright-wing regime led by Boris Johnson, everything that Europe affords us would be at risk of vanishing.

Yes there are issues. Frustratio­ns even. But they are not enough to outweigh the benefits of our membership.

So the main message is to vote, but please consider whether there is enough of a vision from those who wish us to leave the EU.

I just can’t see it so I will be voting to remain.

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