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Drunken rows all behind him

Admonished for good behaviour

- Court reporter

An Ai rdrie man who threatened his wife and son during a drunken tirade has been admonished in court.

Gerard Dawson shouted and issued a violent threat towards his loved ones at his Craigneuk home on December 13 last year.

He also brandished a glass bottle above his head at the Howletnest Road property in a terrifying confrontat­ion that was the culminatio­n of a series of family rows resulting from Dawson’s alcohol issues.

The 51-year-old pleaded guilty and made his way back into the dock at Airdrie Sheriff Court last week for sentencing after a period of deferral for good behaviour.

During an appearance in court earlier this year, procurator fiscal Yolande Love described Dawson’s illadvised conduct during his offence.

She explained: “At the time the complainer and accused had been in a relationsh­ip for 28 years and married for 22.

“Prior to the date [of the offence], the accused had been drinking alcohol for months, resulting in rows in the house.

“At 1.45am, the accused was drunk and found the complainer sleeping on the floor. He tried to get her to bed and an argument broke out. The woman went down to the kitchen and the accused started to shout, causing his son to try and calm matters.

“The woman walked upstairs and the son pulled the accused away. They went back to the kitchen and the accused shouted, ‘if anyone phones my mother, I’ll do them’.

“He then put a bottle of diluted juice over his head in a threatenin­g manner and did the same with a glass bottle.

“His reply to being detained [ by police] was, ‘it’s a lot of s***e’.”

This incident marked the first time Dawson has been in trouble with the law and during his return to court on Wednesday, fiscal Ms Love revealed he had “been of good behaviour” during the period of deferral.

Sheriff Frank Pieri then told Dawson: “You have been of good behaviour so, in the circumstan­ces, you will be admonished.”

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