Airdrie & Coatbridge Advertiser

Lorna leads the way with slimming award

Woman of theYear honour

- Ian Bunting

A super slimmer from Airdrie has taken the lead to get fighting fit in an impressive show of hard work that culminated in her being crowned Woman of the Year at her weight loss group – as well as buying a pet pooch.

Lorna McLelland has shed seven-stone since joining up with the Slimming World class held in St Edward’s Church hall last year.

Her remarkable weight loss not only won the respect of her fellow members and consultant Sharon McGinness, but saw her scoop the prestigiou­s prize.

Proud Sharon told the Advertiser: “Lorna was absolutely thrilled to be nominated and over the moon when she was told she had won the Woman of the Year award at the class.

“She has always struggled with her weight and been on and off diets all her life, but this time she saw it as a lifestyle change and always attends group.

“Lorna can now go to ‘normal’ size clothes shops and treat herself to all of the latest fashions.

“She has done remarkably well and everyone at the group congratula­tes her on her success.”

Lorna’s weight loss led to her choosing to buy a dog of her own this year after previously being frustrated when out walking with her pooch-owning friends.

Sharon explained: “Lorna has always loved dogs but didn’t want to buy one of her own as she couldn’t walk very far at all.

“She would be out with her friends and their dogs and end up way behind them as their dogs rushed off into the distance.

“But Lorna can keep up now and even walks faster than some of her friends, so decided to buy a dog of her own a few months ago.”

Sharon added: “Lorna goes to a fitness dance class every week and enjoys all the lifestyle changes she has made. She still eats all of her favourite foods and is loving life.

“It’s a testament to what hard work, determinat­ion and the support of your friends, family and peers can do for you.”

Sharon runs Slimming World groups in the halls at St Edward’s and Cairnlea churches, on Thursdays from 5.30pm to 7.30pm and Mondays from 7.30pm respective­ly; give her a call on 07736 932345 to find out more informatio­n.

 ??  ?? Woman of the Year Lorna is presented with her prize by consultant Sharon
Woman of the Year Lorna is presented with her prize by consultant Sharon
 ??  ?? After Fighting fit Lorna has shed seven stone since last year
After Fighting fit Lorna has shed seven stone since last year
 ??  ?? Before Lorna used to be unable to keep up with her dog-walking friends
Before Lorna used to be unable to keep up with her dog-walking friends

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