Airdrie & Coatbridge Advertiser

Martin is a man on a mission

Martin used to spend up to £100 a DAY on fixed odds bet terminals

- Andrew Bargh

A Coatbridge man who lost thousands during a decade-long gambling addiction is spearheadi­ng a campaign to change the betting industry.

Martin Paterson’s gambling problem intensifie­d after the introducti­on of fixed odds betting terminals (FOBTS).

Despite his huge financial losses Martin, whose son Tony died in 2014 aged just 29, said missing out on spending time with his family will always be his biggest regret .

Now the 58-year-old is determined to see Government legislatio­n passed which will drasticall­y reduce the maximum stake on FOBTs.

A recovering gambling addict from Coatbridge is at the forefront of a campaign which aims to push through groundbrea­king changes in the betting industry.

Martin Paterson, 58, lost “thousands upon thousands” after becoming addicted to fixed odds betting terminals (FOBTs) in 2005.

The Townhead man was gambling up to £ 100 a day at the height of his addiction and placed his last bet just months before his son tragically passed away at the age of just 29.

And despite his enormous monetary losses, Martin says time spent with loved ones is what he really missed out on during his decade of addiction.

Now he is hoping a Government report due to be published this month will amend legislatio­n and prevent punters from losing up to £300 a minute on the highly-addictive machines.

Martin told the Advertiser: “Gambling addiction is horrible and bookmakers are sucking in misery money from those who are addicted to fixed odds betting terminals by having three or four of these machines in their premises.”

The former taxi driver spoke frankly about his addiction to what is known as the “crack cocaine of the gambling industry.”

He explained: “I had a bit of an issue before FOBTs were introduced, but when I started using them my problem really took hold.

“I was betting between £50 and £100 a day; it wasn’t the money that was important to me, it was the gambling and the buzz of the chase.

“You kid yourself on when you’re addicted. You know you’re going to lose but do it just to satisfy the craving.

“The next thing you know you’re chapping somebody’s door asking for a loan of £100 just to keep the lights on and bread on the table.

“You live life with a mask on when you’re an addicted gambler, everybody is your pal if you can get something off


It wasn’t long before Martin’s addiction was interferin­g with his work as a cabbie.

He continued: “I was constantly pulling over to nip to the bookies during my shift.

“If a hire gave me a tenner I’d have no change for them.

“It was desperatio­n stuff but Swift Taxis, who I worked for, were great and helped me through it as best as they could.”

And it wasn’t only Martin’s employers who supported him through his darkest days.

He went on: “My wife Marie has been an angel throughout my whole recovery.

“She’s been there since day one and did everything she could to help.

“When I first went to Gamblers Anonymous it was more to try and keep my marriage and family together than keep me together because I had to hold on to her.

“It feels great to be in recovery now and Marie is a big reason for that.”

Deep down, Martin, who now works for a landscapin­g business, knew he was making a mistake every time he walked into a bookmakers.

But when he watched his son Tony die in hospital in May 2014, the magnitude of his addiction hit home. He continued: “When I was watching Tony slip away that’s when I realised how much I had lost.

“Life should have been so much better, yet there was Tony being kept alive by a machine and there was nothing I could do.

“That’s what I lost out on; spending time with family and those who matter most.

“My son missed out because of it and we’ll never get that time back.

“It should have been the way it is now with my seven-year-old grandson where picking him up from school is a pleasure.

“The wee simple things like that are important whereas in the past I didn’t have time for any of my family because I was so concentrat­ed on my addiction.

“You never know what’s around the corner so you should cherish your memories and time today.”

Martin has fully overcome his addiction to FOBTs – to the extent that he is able to walk into a bookmakers and put on a football coupon without feeling one ounce of temptation to succumb to the bright lights of the machines.

The father- of- two added: “I’m comfortabl­e and safe betting on football as it’s something I enjoy. I had to re-train my brain and find ways to fill the void. It’s small money or a free super-six game, but it keeps me sane and keeps it interestin­g.”

My son missed out because of it and we’ll never get that time back Martin

 ??  ?? Reformed Martin now wants to help others break the gambling habit
Reformed Martin now wants to help others break the gambling habit
 ??  ?? Campaign Martin Paterson wants tighter gambling controls
Campaign Martin Paterson wants tighter gambling controls
 ??  ??

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