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Indecent images


An Airdrie man has avoided jail after admitting downloadin­g more than 250 indecent images of young children over a period of 16 years.

Donald Martin, 64, of Thomson Drive, pleaded guilty at Airdrie Sheriff Court to taking or making and of being in possession of indecent photograph­s of children. The offences happened between 2000 and last year.

Martin’s defence lawyer Ross Brown said:“He is deeply ashamed that he got himself into this position.

“He has never been in any form of sexual relationsh­ip. The fact that he was found with 264 images over a considerab­le period does not detract from the seriousnes­s of the offence.

“The responsibi­lity was his and his alone and he allowed them to remain on his computer and must take responsibi­lity for that. He accepts there must be punitive punishment.

“He has been assessed as a low-risk re-offend. He recognises he has brought shame on himself and his family and wishes to atone.”

Sentencing Martin, Sheriff Petra Collins told him:“You have pled guilty to two serious offences involving the indecent images of children.

“Behind every image is a real live child subject to abuse, and by downloadin­g these images you prolong the abuse.

“Taking into account everything that has been said on your behalf, I am prepared to fall short of sending you into custody.”

Martin was put on supervisio­n for two years and banned from using any devices with an internet connection for the same period.

He was also placed on the sex offenders’register for two years.

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