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Sloppy story is all at sea


Baywatch (15)

This movie adaptation of the popular TV show isn’t quite as bad as the savage reviews that met its cinema release suggested.

But while Dwayne Johnson and Zac Efron are game for just about anything, it’s puerile, predictabl­e stuff.

And while you wouldn’t expect a complex plot, the farcical story is slighter than the swimsuits on show.

Legion Season 1 (15)

A TV spin-off from the X-Men movie universe sees Dan Stevens shine as the troubled titular mutant.

The visuals and production design are dizzying and dazzling and clever scripts keeps you on your toes. It all comes to a head with a bizarre climax that leaves the door open for the welcome second season.

Pirates of the Caribbean: Salazar’s Revenge (12)

The fifth entry in the Pirates franchise is the finest effort since the original, not least because the story is easier to follow than the previous three flicks’.

Co-directors Joachim Ronning and Espen Sandberg make a good job of their series bow with joyous set pieces and indelible creations.

While not quite matching his Oscar-nominated turn in the first movie, Johnny Depp is back in crowdpleas­ing form, and Javier Bardem delivers a memorable villain.

However, while the final battle is packed with emotion and derring-do, a post-credits scene suggests a sixth sail is on the horizon; as entertaini­ng as Salazar’s Revenge is, I’m not sure our goodwill will survive another twohours-plus with Captain Jack and Co.

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