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Attacker bit his partner on nose


A Moodiesbur­n thug has narrowly avoided jail after a sickening assault on his partner.

Mark Armstrong throttled the terrified woman and bit her nose at a Hilltop Road property on April 1.

The Avenuehead Road resident pleaded guilty to the charges, which Sheriff Derek O’Carroll said would ordinarily have left him“thinking how long should I send you to prison?”

The procurator fiscal etold Airdrie Sheriff Court:“The accused and the complainer had been together for 14 years and have two kids together.

“At around 7.30pm he returned to the locus under the influence of alcohol and made his way into the kitchen where he began to smash plates.

“At this point, the complainer asked him to calm down or leave.

“He grabbed her hair and swung her around the kitchen area before pushing her to the ground.

“He placed his hand around her neck and compressed it and also bit her on the nose.

“She tried to get him to calm down but her attempts were unsuccessf­ul.

“The complainer then managed to grab his phone and ran into her kids’ bedroom to phone the police.

“While on the phone the accused was kicking on the door trying to get in.

“It went quiet and she thought he had left, so she went into the living room.

“He hadn’t left though and assaulted her again by dragging her into the kids bedroom.

“She managed to escape and made her way into the bathroom where she waited for police.

“When police arrived they noticed visible injuries to her wrist, arm and nose.

“They also noticed the kitchen to be in a state of disarray, with dishes smashed all over the sink area.

“The accused was arrested and taken to Coatbridge police office.”

Armstrong’s defence solicitor argued:“He’s ashamed and pleaded guilty at the earliest opportunit­y.

“There was no reason for him to behave this way but he has an explanatio­n.

“He lost his eye in an accident involving a dog with a stick in November.

“He admits he needs help and can’t turn to getting drunk.

“He is self-employed as a roofer and roughcaste­r and his ability to earn has been impacted.

“He used amateur boxing to keep fit and has had to stop that.

“His remorse is genuine and he needs to solve his alcohol problem and get back to a normal way of thinking.

“His partner is willing to take him back as long as he gets the support he needs.”

Sheriff Derek O’Carroll said: “Ordinarily I’d be thinking about how long I should send you to prison.

“But there are circumstan­ces which allow me to impose an alternativ­e to a custodial sentence.

“You must comply with these orders or you’ll end up back here before me and I’m sure you know what the result will be.

“I’ll place you under supervisio­n for 18 months and that is for the benefit of you and your family.

“This is to help you deal with the loss of your eye because you simply can’t behave that way.

“There will be a conduct requiremen­t which means you must do as your officer tells you.

“You’ll also carry out 160 hours of unpaid work which I have reduced from 200.

“This should be your priority.”

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