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Sentenced for knife robbery


A teenage thug who robbed a man of his mobile phone at knifepoint on Coatbridge Main Street has been jailed.

David McIntyre, 19, pled guilty to assaulting his stunned victim along with an accomplice, shortly after robbing two local premises of alcohol on March 21 last year.

After stealing beer from Whifflet’s Key Store and Main Street’s BP station, the McIntyre targeted the man outside Jackson Court before following him to the town’s Main Street, where the attack took place.

Reports detail how McIntyre, who is already behind bars for a separate offence, held a blade to his victim’s body and repeatedly threatened to stab him.

He then rifled through the shellshock­ed man’s pockets and took the phone as well as £5 in cash.

Roberto Manini, McIntyre’s defence solicitor, said: “My client has learned there are consequenc­es for his actions.

“The report on him is positive and he pled guilty at an early opportunit­y.

“He appreciate­s this was a harrowing incident for the victim and when he is given liberty from his current sentence, he doesn’t want to go back to his old lifestyle.

“In fact, none of his old associates have visited him since he went into custody, it’s only been his family who have reaffirmed bonds.

“I ask your Lordship to be as lenient as you feel you can be with your decision.”

Although he sent the yob, of Glasgow, to prison, Sheriff Derek O’Carroll was in a generous mood as he said: “The report is positive and I’m glad you’re using your intelligen­ce for the better these days.

“I can’t ignore a previous offence for a similar matter, though, and the only realistic outcome for you here is a custodial sentence.

“This will be one of 16 months which I have discounted from 24.

“I’m going to make this concurrent to your period behind bars just now, rather than a consecutiv­e one.

“If you don’t change your ways when you’re given your liberty, then you won’t be given a sentence as lenient as this next time.”

Yob remanded

A Gartcosh man who failed to comply with court instructio­ns has been remanded in custody until late next month.

Scott Forsyth, 24, had repeatedly been bailed for reports after he kicked a female police officer last October.

The Holms Place resident also behaved in a threatenin­g and abusive manner at Coatbridge police office and was witnessed banging his head off cell walls.

Forsyth’s defence solicitor Darran Khorasani tried to explain his client’s apathy for following court orders.

Mr Khorasani said: “My client’s best friend passed away in his bedroom about six weeks ago.

“This gives some explanatio­n as to why there is a lack of reports available because it caused him some depression.

“He is also a full-time carer for his mum, who suffers from brittle bones, Crohn’s disease and depression.

“For all these reasons, I ask you to take the view to allow him to have these reports prepared while he is at liberty.”

But Sheriff Derek O’Carroll said: “Why would I when he has just ignored orders in the past?”

Khorasani continued: “Although my client is a pleasant individual, he is somewhat immature.

“It hadn’t dawned on him how serious the preparatio­n of reports is.

“It is apparent to him now given just how close he is to being remanded in custody.

“He knows if he is given the chance again and doesn’t comply then he’ll end up behind bars.”

An unmoved Sheriff O’Carroll responded: “I’ve already given you two opportunit­ies Mr Forsyth.

“You deliberate­ly chose not to attend and that’s unacceptab­le.

“You’ve also got a lengthy history which includes ignoring court orders and showing contempt.

“You flout authority time and time again and, as such, I’m going to remand you until reports are ready.

“You’ll appear back here on May 23.”

Shoved ex-partner

An Airdrie man who placed his former partner in a state of fear and alarm when he shoved her on the body has been placed under supervisio­n.

James Nash, 44, of Thrashbush Road, lashed out at the woman while under the influence of alcohol during an argument within a property on the street last December.

The procurator fiscal explained: “The accused was at the locus with his partner and had been drinking since mid-afternoon.

“An argument started, during which he approached her, grabbed her shoulder and pushed her.

“She was concerned at his behaviour and called the police. Upon their arrival, they noticed the accused to be heavily under the influence of alcohol.

“He was taken to Coatbridge police office, where he admitted to pushing her.”

Sheriff O’Carroll said: “The report on you suggests you might benefit from supervisio­n and a stint with the Better Lives programme.

“There’s a background of alcohol abuse here and your drinking has got a bit out of hand so this is to benefit you.”

“You’ll be under supervisio­n for two years and do as your supervisor tells you to do.”

If you don’t change your ways, then you won’t be given a sentence as lenient as this next time

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