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Mum requires essentials


‘C’is24andpre­gnant, andlivesin­Glasgow.

This will make a big difference because it means I now won’t have to worry about getting the money together for those things.

It’s my third baby so it will be a really good help to me and to other families.

The payment will go towards a cot, mattress and bedding for the new baby.

Getting the grant will make a difference because this is my third child so it will help me out a lot.

Being entitled to this grant is great, especially when you have other kids to provide and buy for as well as trying to get all the things that are needed for the new baby.

It makes things a lot less stressful because I’m not having to worry about money for the baby’s things as I know I will get this grant.

I’m going to apply online, but know there are other ways to apply, on a form and by Connieis25­andlivesin­Glasgow. Her babyisfive­monthsold.

I heard about the Pregnancy and Baby Payment through One Parent Families Scotland, who told me all about the grant and how to apply for it.

I will probably apply online for this, as it will be easier for me and I’m quite up to date with technology.

The payment will go toward clothes, nappies and shoes for my son, babies grow so quickly and he’s five months now.

This will make a real difference to me, it’s not a payment I was expecting.

It will make life a bit easier, my income stays the same, but my outgoings are higher as this is my third child. My other children are four and five so the things I had for them I don’t have anymore, so I’m kinda starting again.

I got the baby box which is great but you get three to six month clothes in that so the £300 would be of benefit when he’s a wee bit bigger.

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