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Club of the week

Clarkston Colts


Clarkston Colts has become an integral part of the local community since its inception a couple of years ago.

After some parents put their heads together to organise the club, it has grown in strength and popularity.

Coaches predict an exciting 2019 for the Colts, who currently have a 2007 and 2009 team.

Expansion is planned, but for now the parents and coaches involved at the club are happy to be putting a smile on the kids’faces.

We spoke to one of them, Jack Haugh.

Tell us about how the club began

It was founded back in 2016 and was the brainchild of a few dads in the area.

Their kids had been playing for a variety of teams but it didn’t really work out and they wanted to form a new club.

Initially it was just for eight to nine year olds and a lot of the same kids are still going at an under-12 level now.

We have coaches from the area and now have two teams that co-exist very well.

How did you get involved at the Colts?

I have played football for my whole life and always been interested in coaching.

I was a goalie and my friend Scott asked if I wanted to get involved at the club.

I went to a few sessions and knew some of the parents just from being local to the area.

I loved it from the start and the enthusiasm of kids and parents made me feel very welcome.

The club are supporting me through my coaching badges which I really appreciate.

There seems to be a good emphasis on making sure the club is very inclusive?

We’re a very mixed team and have girls in the 2009 age group.

One of them is actually the younger sister of one of our boys in the 2007 team, so that shows the positive influences the club has.

We have boys from a variety of background­s.

Some are from a more affluent background, some less so, and we also have boys from different races.

That’s the way it should be and the hope is to grow and have teams available at all age groups and even girls’teams.

We want it to be as inclusive as possible and give everyone the opportunit­y to play and have fun.

How much do the kids enjoy being part of it?

There are a lot of teams in Airdrie so we make sure the kids feel valued here.

The players are very much involved in the decision-making process and that’s a big thing.

Airdrie is well known in Scottish football so it’s a big thing for Clarkston to have a team and for the kids to feel a part of it.

We want them all to feel like they belong and they chose the badge for the club.

It’s a great project and the kids are enjoying being part of a team.

What difficulti­es does the club face?

We’re actually doing fine in a financial sense just now.

We’re quite fortunate to have the support of parents and the committee system is great.

Everyone is very involved and forthcomin­g and that helps ensure a solid financial position.

We have a partnershi­p with Waysiders/Drumpellie­r rugby and cricket clubs and, as of October, negotiated a partnershi­p for our 2007 team to play matches at their ground.

It’s a huge bonus to have our own pitch and a massive reason that was able to come about is because of our financial stability.

It all comes from the hard work of the parents and committee.

Finance can be a big problem area for youth sports teams but luckily we’re in a strong position.

How much of a benefit do the kids get from participat­ing?

The health side of things is massive.

It can’t be understate­d how important it is for kids.

Any sport they’re doing, or even being part of a group like Scouts, where physical activity is emphasised, makes a huge difference.

As coaches we are able to see the difference and notice how important is can be for kids in a mental sense too.

That’s very relevant at the moment and we can see how happy they are to be training and playing.

What’s coming up?

We have a winter shutdown before the league resumes. The kids miss playing but the rest is good for them.

It makes sense to play throughout the summer when weather conditions are more reliable.

We’ll come back feeling fresh and ready for the new season.

People can find informatio­n on the club at our Facebook page Clarkston Colts Community Club.

Alternativ­ely, interested parties can call 07902 853003.

 ??  ?? Action shot The players work on their close control
Action shot The players work on their close control

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