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Nicola feels like a new woman after losing 5st in a year



An Airdrie woman who used to hate getting her photo taken is now snap-happy after shedding a “lifechangi­ng” 5st in less than a year.

Nicola Cooper’s awe-inspiring accomplish­ment led to her being crowned “greatest loser” at her Slimming World group in Petersburn.

Nicola, who now tips the scales at a healthy 10st, said: “There’s absolutely nothing wrong with being a loser when it feels this good!

“I feel like a new woman since losing weight; in fact, I look so different that people who I haven’t seen for a while often can’t believe I’m the same person.

“For me, though, it’s the change on the inside that’s been the greatest; I’m happier, healthier and much more confident now.”

Nicola joined the Four Isles function suite Slimming World group run by Nicole McLean back in August after becoming concerned about her health and confidence.

She explained: “My weight impacted on so many aspects of my life, from struggling to find clothes that I liked to not being able to do simple everyday tasks without feeling tired and out of breath.

“Before I lost the weight I hated having my photo taken and whenever I saw pictures of myself I knew that my smile wasn’t real – yet now I’m beaming!”

Nicola’s weight was putting a huge strain on her health, with people who are severely overweight more likely to suffer from health problems like coronary heart disease, arthritis, diabetes and cancer; obesity is linked to a reduction in life expectancy of between seven and nine years.

A friend recommende­d she return to Slimming World following a previous spell with the organisati­on and Nicola has never looked back since, saying: “Walking through those doors was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done; I had been a member previously and was embarrasse­d about putting the weight I had lost before back on.

“I needn’t have worried, though; everyone there was so friendly especially my consultant Nicole, and I was so relieved when I found out that my weight was confidenti­al and there was no judgement whatsoever.

“Since then, I’ve made so many friends at the group and honestly don’t think I could have done it without their support each week.

“They helped me with recipes and tips and, if I was ever struggling, they were always there to remind me why I’d wanted to lose weight in the first place and how far I’d come since first stepping through the doors.”

Nicola added: “People think slimming means going hungry, yet it’s not like that at all with Slimming World.

“I love food and I’ve never once felt like I was on a diet – in fact, people are always surprised at how much food I have on my plate and can’t believe I’m losing weight eating so much delicious food and without ever feeling hungry,

“I also started body magic exercise and hired a treadmill during my very first week at group so I could embrace the lifestyle change; I regularly walk for miles on the treadmill.”

Consultant Nicole said: “The changes we’ve seen in Nicola are incredible; she knew where she wanted to be and really went for it, embracing Slimming World and everything it has to offer.

“I hope her success will inspire other people in Airdrie who’d like to lose weight by forming new lifestyle habits, and become happier and healthier, to take action.

“There’s a warm welcome waiting you at Slimming World and, just think, if you start today you could feel like a completely new person, just like Nicola.”

Nicole’s group meets at the Four Isles’ function suite every Wednesday at 6.30pm; to join give her a call on 07903 418148.

Before I lost the weight I hated having my photo taken and whenever I saw pictures of myself I knew that my smile wasn’t real – yet now I’m beaming!”

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