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Comic-book movies ruled the box-office again in 2019


10 Toy Story 4 Released: June

Fans fearful this “fourquel” was a cash-cow could rest easy as it more than earned its place in the franchise.

It was great seeing Buzz, Woody and the gang back – alongside Keanu Reeves’ hilarious Duke Kaboom – and there were tons of feels to be had.

9 Crawl Released: August

Terrifying alligators made their presence felt during a series of terrifical­ly tense sequences as they targeted a high-octane, never-better Kaya Scodelario.

The pace was breakneck and, clocking in at less than an hour-and-a-half, Crawl was one of 2019’s breeziest, boldest and bloodiest flicks.

8 Knives Out Released: November

An old school murder-mystery tinged with quirkiness and modern touches held your attention across its two-hour-plus running time.

The huge cast played off each other well and it was fascinatin­g to see the likes of Daniel Craig, Chris Evans and Michael Shannon share a screen.

7 Shazam! Released: April

Zachary Levi finally got the star-making role he deserved in one of the DCEU’s best entries.

Shazam! was popcorn filmmaking at its best with heart and charm aligning with super set-pieces.

Helmer David F. Sandberg crucially never forgot to keep the tone light and emotional depth at the forefront of his family-friendly adventure.

6 Spider-Man: Far From Home Released: July

Spider-Man is a role Tom Holland was born to play and his reluctant hero was everything a teen thrust into imposing responsibi­lity should be.

This fantastica­lly fun sequel’s big bad was an ingenious creation and a wonderful fever dream-like segment was one of the best sequences ever in a comic book movie.

5 Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Released: December

This new Star Wars trilogy hasn’t been for everyone, but I was a huge fan – and The Rise of Skywalker was a fantastic way to round off this part of the sci-fi saga.

Adam Driver’s Kylo Ren was as engaging a character as any in the Star Wars universe and J.J. Abrams delivered stupendous set-pieces shrouded in drama and mystery.

4 Us Released: March

Jordan Peele’s socially charged horror-thriller was worthy of comparison with his superb first flick Get Out.

Paranoia was the abundant theme as a family came face-to-face with their dopplegang­ers; Peele supplied moments and images that stayed with you for days.

3 Midsommar Released: July

Ari Aster followed Hereditary with another slow-burn, tension-riddled terror trip.

While slightly too long, the acting – especially from lead Florence Pugh – was first rate and the sharp shocks played out in blinding daylight.

The Haxan Cloak’s fierce musical score bombarded the eardrums.

2 Avengers: Endgame Released: April

Endgame was an incredible, unforgetta­ble experience that acted as the perfect closure to this particular chapter of the MCU.

The three hours flew by in a tornado of laughs, shocks, tears and fears.

Loyal MCU viewers were rewarded with fan service of an almost farcically excellent standard.

1 Joker Released: October

The remarkable Joker not only crumpled up the comic book movie blueprint, it tore it to pieces and stomped it into oblivion. Leading man Joaquin Phoenix was tremendous; he moved his painfully skinny frame like a marionette in a perfect portrayal of a character spiralling out of control.

The test of time will tell if this is cinema’s best ever Joker but, for now, it’s hard to argue against it.

The final act was as exhilarati­ng as it was disturbing and the perfect climax to what I feel should be a standalone tale.

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 ??  ?? Smiles better (Clockwise from left) Joker, Avengers: Endgame and Shazam! were among 2019’s best flicks
Smiles better (Clockwise from left) Joker, Avengers: Endgame and Shazam! were among 2019’s best flicks

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