Airdrie & Coatbridge Advertiser

Consultati­ve vote call from Alex Neil


Airdrie’s MSP believes Scotland should press ahead with a consultati­ve referendum on Scottish independen­ce if the UK government continues to refuse permission – and says a Yes victory, even in a nonbinding poll, would mean “the game’s a bogey for the Union”.

Former Holyrood minister Alex Neil is suggesting that the response to Boris Johnson’s opposition to a second poll on the subject should be to establish a constituti­onal convention demonstrat­ing the demand from across Scottish society, and to seek advice on the legality of running another independen­ce vote even without Westminste­r’s agreement.

The former Scottish Government minister would like to see groups from across Scotland come together for the convention as soon as this autumn, with a possible referendum taking place late next year; after the Holyrood elections of May 2021, which he expects to be dominated by the issue.

Speaking to the Advertiser this week, Mr Neil said: “If the advice is that the Scottish Parliament could legally hold a referendum and the Lord Advocate says it doesn’t need a Section 30 order, then in my view we should do it.

“It wouldn’t be legally binding but there are previous referendum­s in the UK which were also consultati­ve, like that on the Common Market in 1975; and there’s a difference between legalities and practicali­ties.

“Although it would be consultati­ve, the realpoliti­k would be that if independen­ce wins, the game’s a bogey for the Union and I don’t think Boris Johson could resist that.”

Mr Neil shared his views following the Prime Minister’s formal rejection of a call from First Minister Nicola Sturgeon for a second independen­ce poll.

The Airdrie MSP, who has previously served as a government minister variously covering the health, infrastruc­ture and social justice portfolios and who has been a member at Holyrood since the parliament was founded, said: “It’s fair to give Scots the opportunit­y to decide their own future.

“Circumstan­ces have changed quite considerab­ly since 2014 – there’s a Tory government for at least the next 10 years which Scotland never would have voted for, and from the end of the month we’re outside the EU; something I was in favour of, but which is another change.

“It’s not even so much that the Prime Minister is refusing a referendum this year – what’s really outrageous is that even if we get a mandate in next year’s election and have an overall majority in the Scottish Parliament to hold a referendum on independen­ce, he still wouldn’t grant a Section 30 order.

“No Prime Minister in London can defy the Scottish people; he says no but Scotland says yes.”

Mr Neil says a constituti­onal convention with a wide- ranging membership would demonstrat­e strength of feeling from across the range of political viewpoints.

He said: “It would bring together MSPs, MPs, churches, the business community, third sector, trade unions, local authoritie­s and civic Scotland, and the purpose would be to reach agreement on the demand that there should be referendum on Scotland’s future.

“Even people who opposed independen­ce want the opportunit­y to vote, and if we could get consensus on the demand, not just from the SNP but a cross-section of society representi­ng people across Scotland, it would be twice as difficult for Boris Johnson to refuse the right to choose.

“I’d envisage having the convention first, to demand a legal referendum with a Section 30 order – and if that’s not forthcomin­g, legislate to hold a consultati­ve referendum not requiring permission.”

He added: “We really want a legally binding referendum, but if not, we go to plan B to maximise Scotland’s opportunit­y in the world and to control its own affairs.”

Among those opposing Mr Neil’s suggestion is campaign group Scotland in Union, whose chief executive officer is Pamela Nash, the former Labour MP for the same Airdrie & Shotts constituen­cy.

She said: “Talking up the prospect of a Catalan-style wildcat referendum is irresponsi­ble.

“The majority of people in Scotland don’t want a divisive second independen­ce referendum, but if there ever is one it must be carried out legally and fairly – trying to break up the UK through the back door is simply not acceptable.

“Scotland deserves better than a government playing constituti­onal games, and now that a referendum has been ruled out, Nicola Sturgeon should focus on her devolved responsibi­lities such as schools and hospitals.”

 ??  ?? Referendum call Alex
Neil MSP
Referendum call Alex Neil MSP

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