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Brothers dig deep to help the homeless



Two kind- hearted Coatbridge brothers helped to feed the homeless and hungry.

Schoolboys Liam and Ciaran McHugh visited Glasgow to hand over 100 food parcels to people living on the streets.

The selfless pair also delivered enough food to feed everyone at a 52-bed hostel run by the Salvation Army in the city.

Liam, 11, and Ciaran, 10, were supported in their endeavours by friends and local businesses, including Morton’s Rolls who donated 100 rolls.

The St Stephen’s Primary pupils were inspired to take action over the festive period, as their dad Arthur explained: “The boys were asking, ‘who are those people sitting in the doorway?’ when out doing their

Christmas shopping.

“When they discovered there were so many homeless people, they decided they wanted to do something to help them.

“They got all the food together and delivered it all off their own backs, with me acting as chaperone.

“The boys managed to collect four trolleys full of items and we were delighted to receive 100 rolls from Morton’s Rolls.

“It was very rewarding for Liam and Ciaran to give something back to people in need and lots of people were inspired by them when they discovered what they were doing on social media, asking how they could help and what they could do in the future.

“We’d like to thank family, friends, local businesses, John at Morton’s Rolls, and even complete strangers for their overwhelmi­ng generosity.”

 ??  ?? Inspiratio­n Liam, 11, and Ciaran, 10, filled four trolleys with food items which they handed out on the streets of Glasgow
Inspiratio­n Liam, 11, and Ciaran, 10, filled four trolleys with food items which they handed out on the streets of Glasgow
 ??  ?? Generosity The schoolboys spread the 100 rolls donated by Morton’s Rolls
Generosity The schoolboys spread the 100 rolls donated by Morton’s Rolls

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