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Beating holiday blues and back pain



Two years ago, Pamela McKay endured“the worst holiday of her life” and had to take painkiller­s to combat nerve damage in her back.

But, thanks to her wonderful work with Slimming World, the Coatbridge resident is now medication-free and in the shape of her life.

Her 5st 2lbs loss saw her crowned woman of the year at her Townhead group – and reach her target weight last month.

Explaining what made her turn to Slimming World, Pamela said: “I started working nights and gained weight as I was eating the wrong foods at the wrong times; I was snack-happy and in denial.

“I was under the impression the weight would automatica­lly drop off when I reverted back to working during the day, however, I put on even more weight.

“I went on the worst holiday of my life where I felt so self conscious after seeing how fat and frumpy I looked in the photos.

“When I got back home, I decided to join Slimming World and went along to the Saturday morning group in Townhead in March 2018, which was the best decision I have ever made.

“I was prone to having a really painful spine after a car accident many years ago left me with nerve damage in my lower back, which I was prescribed strong painkiller­s for.

“But since losing the weight, I don’t even notice it now – and I haven’t taken a painkiller in seven months.”

Pamela is a vegetarian and loves how

Slimming World’s food optimising plan isn’t restrictiv­e as “there are no forbidden foods, calorie counting or obsessive weighing and measuring”.

She added: “I can have two portions of cheese a day, which is perfect with Slimming World chips which is my favourite comfort food.

“On Sundays, I batch cook Caribbean pepper pot stew and always have a pot of spicy korma in the fridge to prevent me from reaching for a take-a-way menu.

“I use Slimming World recipes and replace meat with quorn. My husband, who is a meat eater, loves the healthy food I cook now and has lost a stone himself.

“My sister also attends my group so it makes it easy for family get-togethers as everything is Slimming World-friendly.”

Holidays have become Pamela’s biggest challenge to maintainin­g her weight loss.

She said: “I enjoyed my last break so much I put on 10lbs which I was horrified with when I stood on the scales.

“But I stayed in class, took it on the chin and went back to basics as if I was a new member.

“With the constant support of my consultant Stephen and my amazing group, and determinat­ion not to undo all my hard work, I lost the 10lbs in just three weeks.”

Before Pamela lost weight she “even got out of breath doing simple things like walking to the car”.

Now she has lots more energy and has even taken up golf, adding: “Not only can I walk the full course without getting out of breath, but I am so much more flexible and don’t get a sore back and achy knees like I used to.

“Instead of sitting in the corner feeling self conscious at nights out, dancing is definitely back on the cards!”

Pamela’s Slimming World consultant Stephen Martin said: “I’m so proud of Pamela; she’s a fantastic ambassador and what she’s achieved is nothing short of incredible.

“Pamela has worked so hard to achieve her goals and was adamant to achieve her personal achievemen­t target, which she did last month.

“She was the deserving winner of the group’s woman of the year prize and attended the Scottish regional finals with 50 other women.”

To join Stephen’s group, which meets on Saturdays at Townhead parish church hall at 8.30am, call 07847 332745.

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