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Smith on fatherhood amid club’s virus woes


Airdrie striker Callum Smith has become extra careful since becoming a father earlier this month, so admits the club’s current Covid crisis has been a worry.

Smith hopes the Diamonds are coming out the other side, with players slowly returning to training this week.

And the 21-year-old can’t wait to get on the scoresheet so he can dedicate the goal to baby Ollie, hopefully starting with Friday’s scheduled SPFL Trust Trophy second round clash at home to Queen’s Park.

Airdrie beat Peterhead 3-2 on August 21, despite having five positive Covid results and were granted a postponeme­nt of their clash at home to Alloa last weekend, as the problem persisted.

So after Ollie was born on August 15, Smith has been making sure he’s staying out of trouble.

Smith said: “It’s the best feeling in the world, I’m really happy about it, and he’s been brilliant, which has made it a lot easier.

“I’m playing for him most of the time, so it gives me extra motivation.

“The sleepless nights aren’t great, but it all comes part and parcel with it, so you’ve got to take it as it comes.

“Hopefully I get a goal soon, and the first goal I get will be dedicated to him, so I’m just waiting for the right game!

“That’s him two weeks old now, so I’m kind of getting the hang of it now, me and the missus, so it’s going well.”

The Alloa clash was called off last Friday with the Diamonds unable to fulfil the fixture.

Players and staff have been forced to isolate and it casts doubt over Friday’s fixture with the Spiders, but the club are hopeful it will go ahead.

Smith added: “It has been tough, it has been a tough week for the club, obviously getting hit hard by the Covid.

“We were back in training on Monday but not the full squad; boys are coming back every day of the week, so we’re starting to get back on our feet again.

“Having a new-born, I’m trying to keep as quiet as I can, and looking after him is the main priority for me. It came at a good time for me to be off, I didn’t want to catch anything, so I just took every day as it came.

“I have been training today and I was back in on Monday, so I’ll get a full week under my belt.

“We’re hoping that the game is on Friday, we missed that week there, so the boys are ready to go.”

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Smith (Pic: John Steven)
Dad daze Smith (Pic: John Steven)

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