Airdrie & Coatbridge Advertiser

General Knowledge Crossword



1. Pacific port in

British Columbia, Canada (6,6) 7. District of S.W. France on the left bank of the Gironde (5) 8. Musical term indicating that a piece be performed slowly and broadly (5)

9. Colour of the ball worth one point in

snooker (3)

10. Olympic contest comprising ten different events (9) 11. 1987 story by

Stephen King (6)

12. See 16 Down

15. Australian seaport at the mouth of the

River Hunter (9)

17. Mr. Gershwin, songwriter brother of George (3)

18. Mr. ---, vicar in Jane

Austen’s Emma (5) 19. Island north of Zanzibar which forms part of Tanzania (5)

21. Singer/actor whose albums include Songs For Swinging Lovers (5,7)


1. 1980 Olympic men’s 200m champion (6,6) 2. Food fish of the

genus Gadus (3) 3. Style of architectu­re and decoration that originated in the early 18c in France (6)

4. Light thermoplas­tic material used for packaging and coatings on metals (9)

5. ‘--- Rides’, 1830 work by William Cobbett (5) 6. Vampire in a novel

by Bram Stoker (5,7) 7. In Greek legend, a king of Phrygia able to turn everything he touched into gold (5) 10. Acolyte of The Three

Musketeers (9)

13. City and chief

seaport of Israel (5) 14. Bone in the middle ear also called the stirrup bone (6)

16 & 12A, 20. ‘The ---’, 1972 novel by John Irving (5-6,3)

20. See 16 Down

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