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Teen thug committed two violent robberies


A teenage thug who tried to murder a man has had his sentence reduced and avoided immediate punishment for two violent robberies.

Declan Keyes was locked up for five years in November for stabbing a male in the neck.

The High Court in Glasgow heard that the victim had an artery severed and“died” twice in the ambulance on the way to hospital where doctors battled to save his life.

But his attacker’s sentence was reduced to 40 months by the Appeal Court.

As Keyes, 18, of Waddell Avenue, Glenmavis, has been in custody since the attack in January 2023, he is expected to be freed in September this year.

He appeared at Airdrie Sheriff Court last Wednesday, where he was due to be sentenced again after admitting two robberies.

Keyes and an accomplice attacked a shopkeeper at Zafar Stores in Glencraig Street, Airdrie, in 2021.

The grocer was knocked to the floor then kicked twice on the head and hit with a metal fruit and vegetable stand. He suffered bruises to his face, back and leg.

Keyes and the other youth, both 16 at the time, made off with two bottles of Buckfast wine.

Then, in 2022, Keyes was one of several youths who threatened a taxi driver with weapons in Glenmavis before robbing him of his takings.

Defence solicitor Simon Gilmour said his client has no more cases outstandin­g, adding:“he’s trying to make the best of a bad situation while in custody.”

Sheriff Joseph Hughes told Keyes he wouldn’t add to his 40-month term and instead deferred sentence on the robbery charges until October 23 for good behaviour, both in and out of custody.

The sheriff said:“it’s to your credit that you pleaded guilty.

“You are serving what, for a young man, is a significan­t sentence and what I’m going to do won’t impact your liberation date, but it will test you.

“It’s always possible, I believe, for some people to stop offending. You need to cooperate fully with social workers.”

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