Aldershot News & Mail

Little boy Blue sets off to help nanna’s cause


A SIX-YEAR-OLD boy from Aldershot is undertakin­g a fundraisin­g challenge in a bid to raise as much money as possible in the battle against a condition which has seen his nan’s life change.

Blue Warren-Smith is running three kilometres without stopping alongside his mum Sarah to raise money for Meniere’s Society after his nan was diagnosed with the condition last year.

After two unexpected visits to the hospital in early-2020 after feeling giddy and dropping to the floor, Blue’s nan was diagnosed in October and is fighting the illness that effects balance, hearing and her daily life.

The Badshot Lea Village Infant School pupil, who also raised money last May for the RNLI after its volunteers rescued his grandad, has already raised £330 for the charity with a number of weeks left in the challenge.

His mum said: “Blue wanted to raise money to help support people with this horrible condition which he has seen change his nanna’s life.

“He wants to run as it’s something we can do together, especially train for in lockdown. We will be doing our run round Aldershot.

“I feel so proud of Blue setting himself a challenge and raising money for his nanna’s charity, he has been very supportive when walking with nanna as she uses a stick and he makes sure he holds her other hand and walks slowly as he understand­s what Meniere’s has done to her balance.”

The pair are hopeful that Blue’s nan, Sarah’s mum, is able to watch them finish their run. To donate, go to­g/sarah-warren-smith3

 ?? ?? Blue Warren-Smith, six, is fundraisin­g with his mum for Meniere’s Society after his nan was diagnosed with the condition last year
Blue Warren-Smith, six, is fundraisin­g with his mum for Meniere’s Society after his nan was diagnosed with the condition last year

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