Aldershot News & Mail

Segway to Slimming World


FOR years Lucy Thorn had struggled with her weight, trying every weight loss fad there was only to see the weight go straight back on again after. Nothing seemed to work. However, after joining her local Slimming World group in

May 2023 Lucy has now lost two and a half stone and is feeling happier and healthier than ever.

Lucy said “I always loved food and I enjoyed nothing more than eating pizzas and takeaways whilst snacking on chocolates and crisps all day long. I soon realised though that even though I exercised regularly my diet was not working anymore. Weight piled on and I ignored it as long as I could, telling myself it was ok, and

I wasn’t that big. Deep down though I knew I was not happy, I lacked confidence, felt unattracti­ve and dreaded going out and having to put on another frumpy outfit to cover up my size. With each dress size that I crept up I felt more and more depressed about my size and tried to put on a cheerful face to hide my shame.

It all came to a head after I had a segway accident and ended up with a broken coccyx and torn ligaments in my ankle. Unable to exercise, and stuck in a chair, the weight crept on even more and it was then, seeing me so miserable, that my husband suggested we try Slimming World. I was nervous at the thought of going into the group, worried that people would judge me for my weight, but, as I hobbled my way into my first group still on crutches, I was pleasantly surprised. My worries soon faded away after an extremely warm and friendly greeting from the consultant, Pauline, who went through the plan with us and made sure we were comfortabl­e. Everyone else in the group was welcoming and it felt like we had always been there. Instead of being judged I felt uplifted and motivated as I sat through my first session listening to other members accomplish­ments, losses, meal tips and ideas. As we left, I felt excited about the week ahead, and that night eagerly planned our meals for next week.

I soon found that I could still enjoy all the foods I loved, the plan was simple to follow, and I never felt hungry. I began swapping takeaways for slimming world air-fried chicken tikka and delicious hearty tray bake meals and snacking on fruit and hi-fi bars. As well as still enjoying treats on the plan too. In my first week

I lost seven and a half pounds and achieved my half stone award. As the group cheered me on and celebrated with me, I knew I could do this, and that this was a plan I could stick to.

Now our whole family gets involved, we often sit and look through the recipe books as our youngest picks the meals he wants. Slimming World has changed our lives for the better. I am so much happier and confident now. I am back exercising and am the healthiest I have been in years.

I am so excited to become a Slimming World consultant and pass on what I have learnt to others. I really want to give back and be a part of others weight loss journeys and help people achieve their targets.”

Lucy’s group will be held at Farnboroug­h Rugby Club, GU148LS from the 30th January, sessions will run at 17.30 and 19.00

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