Aldershot News & Mail

Camberley top after convincing victory


TEN-TRY Camberley were just too hot for Bournemout­h on Saturday as they won 54-14 to go top of Regional One South Central.

With Camberley starting proceeding­s they were soon in the visitors’ 22 following a neat chip by new boy Will Partington, but the visitors escaped this time and took play back up into the Camberley.

A great break through by Dom Sammut, well supported by Ben Lovell-Smith, saw play quickly return to the Bournemout­h 22. A scrum penalty followed by a lineout drive saw the visitors defence sucked in and a great call by Partington for the ball to go wide saw George Owen dot down for an unconverte­d try on eight minutes.

From the restart, Sammut again took play back to halfway, but a couple of penalties saw Cam defending their red zone. The pack turned over the ball and from a scrum Connor Hayhow made a stunning break to release Matt Bowers for the last fivemetres for another try on 16 minutes.

This time it was Mac Duaibe who made valuable metres from the restart and fantastic hands between Luke Outhwaite, Hayhow and Owen again ripped the visitors’ defence apart. Max McCarthy was held up just short but the ball was quickly swung out to Partington, whose perfect kick pass saw Bowers in at the corner for his second after 24 minutes.

The next score was not long coming as another great exit from the restart saw the Black & Ambers again deep in the visitors’ 22 following another great nudge by Partington and from another dominant scrum.

Playing the advantage, McCarthy crossed for the try bonus point on 28 minutes.

This time the restart was claimed by Sammut, who with Spencer Hayhow, again took play back to halfway. A great intercepti­on by Partington

who then fed Connor Hayhow and again the centre took play deep into the redzone, although McCarthy’s dart this time was not successful and the ball was recycled quickly.

A huge miss pass by Partington saw Bowers over in the corner for his hat-trick and a fantastic kick by McCarthy from the touchline saw the score move to 27-0 on 31 minutes.

The second half continued in much the same manner as, straight from the restart, Camberley moved the ball back into the visitors’ half and the ball was again in Connor Hayhow’s hands as the classy centre made another great break before setting Owen up for yet another try.

From another great restart, Sammut ran the ball back and, following several good phases with almost the entire side involved in the Bournemout­h 22, Sammut eventually forced his way over for another unconverte­d try; 37-0 on 45 minutes.

Antonio Ripata was given a 10-minute breather for a high tackle and despite some good Camberley pressure, the visitors crossed for two converted tries, making the score 37-14 with 15 minutes to go.

However, Camberley soon recovered and some great hands again put Owen through for what would have been his third of the day, only to be called back for a forward pass.

The visitors were penalised at the resultant scrum and Chris Bird spotted a gap from the resultant drive to dot down, with Partington adding the extras; 44-14 on 70 minutes.

It was now all Camberley and another fantastic lineout drive from at least 15-metres saw Alex Hughes claim the score and making the score 49-14.

Then Spencer Hayhow collected the ball on the Bournemout­h tenmetres before he carved his way through to claim a truly memorable score and end proceeding­s.

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