Aldershot News & Mail

Puzzles General Knowledge Quiz


1. What is the best known book written by Louisa May Alcott?

A Pride and Prejudice

B Sense and Sensibilit­y

C Vanity Fair

D Little Women

2. Which masked avenger was portrayed in the 1950s on the small screen by Guy Williams? A The Phantom

B Batman

C Zorro

D Spiderman

3. Who was Britain’s first Labour prime minister?

A Arthur Henderson B Harold Wilson C Ramsay MacDonald D Clement Attlee

4. Which French town gives its name to an English translatio­n of the Bible from the Latin Vulgate version used by Roman Catholics?

A Le Havre

B Bordeaux

C Douai

D Montpellie­r

5. Who won the women’s race in the 2023 London Marathon?

A Sifan Hassan B Brigid Kosgei C Jemima Sumgong D Edna Kiplagat

6. What is the title of the fourteenth and latest album from US rock band Green Day?

A Saints

B Samaritans

C Saviors

D Guardian Angels

Green Day See Question 6 7. What sort of creature is a Camberwell beauty?

A A lizard

B A butterfly

C A bird

D A fish

8. What is the principal chapel of the Vatican, whose ceiling was painted by Michelange­lo?

A St Michael’s Chapel

B The Benedictin­e Chapel

C The Sistine Chapel

D St John’s Chapel

9. According to the book of Daniel, at whose feast did the guests see the Writing on the Wall?

A Baal

B Belshazzar

C Barrabas

D Balthazar 10. What nationalit­y was the painter Vincent Van Gogh?

A German

B Italian

C Dutch

D French

11. Which Italian violinist and composer wrote the set of concertos known as The Four Seasons?

A Rossini

B Verdi

C Vivaldi

D Albinoni

12. Which racing driver went out of the 1997 European Grand Prix after driving into Jacques Villeneuve?

A Damon Hill

B Michael Schumacher

C David Coulthard

D Eddie Irvine

13. Which British author wrote the novels Joseph Andrews and Tom Jones?

A Henry Fielding B Jonathan Wild C Samuel Richardson D Henry David Thoreau

14. Which former MP wrote The Four Feathers and stories featuring Inspector Hanaud?

A A. E. W. Mason B Jeffrey Archer C Ramsay Macdonald D Winston Churchill

15. In which country (other than Malawi) is the kwacha a unit of currency?

A Zambia

B Ethiopia

C Japan

D Indonesia

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