Aldershot News & Mail

Get yourself in a spin with Party Games! at the Yvonne Arnaud Theatre


RYAN Early will play the role of spin doctor Seth Dickens in the world premiere of Party Games! by Michael McManus, presented by the Yvonne Arnaud Theatre, Guildford, from May 2 to 11.

Ryan Early (Darren Vance in Coronation Street, Dan in Almost Never for BBC and Lee Bryce in

The Archers for BBC Radio 4) joins the previously announced Matthew Cottle (Stan Laurel in the film Chaplin, Martin in BBC’s Game On,

ITV’s Unforgotte­n) as Prime Minister John Waggner, and Debra Stephenson (Diane Powell in Playing the Field, Shell Dockley in Bad Girls, Frankie Baldwin in Coronation

Street, The Impression­s Show and Dead Ringers) as Deputy Leader Lisa Williams.

Directed by the Director and Chief Executive of the Yvonne Arnaud Theatre, Joanna Read, Party Games! is written by a man who was on the inside of party politics, Michael

McManus, who worked in Central Office while Margaret Thatcher and John Major were Prime Ministers and as a special adviser to a number of UK ministers between 1992 and 1995.

He was then head of Ted Heath’s private office from 1995 to 2000 and the Conservati­ve Party candidate for Watford in 2001.

Party Games! is set in the UK in 2026. John Waggner, newly elected leader of the hastily formed centrist One Nation Party, presides over a hung parliament, a discontent­ed electorate and striking cheesemake­rs.

He and his power-hungry MPs must cling onto authority through whatever shaky means possible.

Can one man, a Svengali spin doctor, and some dodgy data unite the country?

And what role can his wife, the King and a large spider play in keeping the lights on, not to mention his trusty AI?

Party Games! is an Yvonne Arnaud original production, directed by Joanna Read and designed by Francis O’Connor, with lighting design by Chris Davey and sound design and original music by Beth Duke.

For more informatio­n and to book tickets, go to www.Yvonne-Arnaud. or contact the Box Office on 01483 44 00 00 (Monday to Saturday, 10am to 5pm)

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