All About History

Who to befriend



Leonidas I is Sparta’s warrior king, the son of Anaxandrid­as II. Although the king’s firstborn son was exempt from the agōgē, as third son, Leonidas didn’t just train – he excelled. The notoriousl­y strict regime forged him into a fearsome warrior and a leader with a talent for diplomacy as well as war. Leonidas I led the combined Greek armies against Persia’s attempted invasion in 481 BCE and became a hero to his people when he died surrounded by the enemy at the Battle of Thermopyla­e. Fearsome, loyal and a born strategist, you can expect him to lay down his life for his land.

Extra tip: Don’t mention sibling rivalry if you want to stay on Leonidas I’s good side. his elder brothers, Cleomenes and Dorieus, were born to different mothers and fought bitterly over who should succeed to the throne. When Cleomenes was proclaimed king, the furious Dorieus left Sparta for good.

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