All About History

Quacks!: dodgy doctors and foolish fads Throughout history

Great subject but the delivery borders on malpractic­e Author SD Tucker Publisher Amberley Price £14.99 Released Out now


This book promises an interestin­g glimpse into the quack medicines and procedures over the last century or so. Unfortunat­ely, it is clumsily written, littered with errors, and spends too much time on personal tangents, reading as the rambling diary of a man angry about a lot of things (vegans, liberals, Macaulay Culkin).

The tone of the book is written so negatively and bitterly, that it becomes hard to actually want to turn the page.

One subtitle reads “Greta Garbage” – no doubt an attempt at humour, but without wit it is simply a insult towards deceased actress Greta Garbo. There appears to be no reference to ‘garbage’ at all, so the selection criteria for this ‘joke’ seems to be it is insulting and it alliterate­s. This is a common theme and it becomes tedious quickly.

To Tucker’s credit, the book is well researched and he describes in detail the weird and wonderful methods of quack doctors alongside historical illustrati­ons.

But unfortunat­ely even the captions of these images are not safe from Tucker’s bizarre attempt at humour, with one caption describing that particular­ly dangerous medicine might be a great way to “kill a liberal”. More disappoint­ingly still, for a book claiming to debunk pseudoscie­nce it is littered with Tucker’s own-brand pseudoscie­nce. (HIV can’t be transmitte­d via swallowing sperm – a fact that seems to have eluded Tucker)

This book on a fascinatin­g topic is a mostly dull read – quite an achievemen­t when the subject is tapeworm diets, alien moon potatoes, and cactus juice injections.

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