All About History


Throughout the USA’S war with Japan, Pearl Harbor was used in patriotic propaganda


During periods of war, particular moments of aggression that strike deep within a nation’s shared consciousn­ess are often utilised in propaganda - for example the sinking of the RMS Lusitania during World War I. The Merriam-webster dictionary defines propaganda as being: “The spreading of ideas, informatio­n, or rumour for the purpose of helping or injuring an institutio­n, a cause or a person.” As such, particular atrocities are often used as a shared idea to stoke anger against the enemy. The 7 December attack on Pearl Harbor was no different and was used in a number of posters by the US government, such as the example shown here. Pearl Harbor was used on posters about everything from war bonds, to recruitmen­t, to simple vengeance. Doris Miller was even used on posters as an inspiratio­nal example of bravery.

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