All About History

Female disciples

The women who bankrolled the Apostles


In recent years there has been a great deal of effort put into reevaluati­ng the role of women in Jesus’ life, trying to find the historical facts that might give us a fuller picture of the real figure. Historians Joan Taylor and Helen Bond, for instance, uncovered a trail of informatio­n regarding three women that put them in a new context. Mary Magdalene was not a prostitute, as popular understand­ing might still believe, but a noblewoman who helped to fund the disciples and their mission. Joanna is also identified as a follower of Jesus who had been married to a leading political figure and added her wealth to the mission too. Finally, there was Salome, a practising healer, whose skills are praised in her tomb. More research and analysis continues to bring more depth to these biblical women, often sidelined by history.

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