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1 Mare Imbrium (Sea of Showers)

Coordinate­s: 32.8°N 15.6°W Diameter: 1,146km (712mi) A large circular sea, Mare Imbrium is immediatel­y visible to the northeast of the great sea Oceanus Procellaru­m. Given its size, it can be picked out quite easily with the naked eye.

2 Oceanus Procellaru­m (Ocean of Storms)

Coordinate­s: 18.4°N 57.4°W Diameter: 2,592km (1,611mi) Not too tricky to spot with the naked eye, Oceanus Procellaru­m is best viewed when the Moon is full or when the Moon makes its morning appearance in the waning or last quarter phase.

3 Mare Tranquilli­tatis (Sea of Tranquilli­ty)

Coordinate­s: 8.5°N 31.4°E Diameter: 876km (544mi) The sea where Neil Armstrong made the first-ever human footprint on the Moon. Visible during the full, first quarter, waxing gibbous and also the waning phase.

4 Mare Crisium (Sea of Crises)

Coordinate­s: 17.0°N 59.1°E Diameter: 556km (345mi) Fairly easy to pick out with the unaided eye, Mare Crisium is oval shaped and located to the east of Mare Tranquilli­tatis. It’s visible to us on Earth during the first quarter, full and waxing phases of the Moon.

5 Mare Vaporum (Sea of Vapours)

Coordinate­s: 13.3°N 3.6°E Diameter: 242km (150mi) Close to Mare Serenitati­s, this sea’s dark appearance makes it easily detectable with the naked eye. It can be found close to the Moon’s centre.

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