All About Space

Makemake timeline


Date: 4.5 billion years ago Activity: Makemake formed alongside other icy worlds in the Kuiper Belt early in the history of our Solar System.

Date: March 2005

Activity: Makemake is observed for the first time by scientists Mike Brown, Chad Trujillo and David Rabinowitz at the Palomar Observator­y in California.

Date: 19 July 2008

Activity: Makemake is officially named by the Internatio­nal Astronomic­al Associatio­n.

Date: April 2011

Activity: Astronomer­s determined Makemake had no atmosphere after observing its occultatio­n of a faint star.

Date: April 2016

Activity: NASA announces the discovery of Makemake’s moon MK 2.

“Like all the known dwarf planets but Ceres, Makemake travels through the Kuiper Belt”

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