All About Space

Methods of Exoplanet Detection


The Transit Method

The transit method hinges on tiny dips in light from a star caused as a planet crosses its face. Despite only being viable for planets that pass between their star and observers, it’s delivered over 3,700 exoplanet discoverie­s.

Gravitatio­nal Microlensi­ng

Responsibl­e for the detection of about 130 planets, lensing occurs when objects of tremendous mass warp the fabric of space. By observing the curvature of light from a distant object, details can be ascertaine­d about intervenin­g objects, like planets.

The Radial Velocity Method

A technique based on the fact that a planet and a star orbit a point of mutual mass, meaning the presence of a planet can be seen as a ‘wobble’ in the star’s motion. Also known as the wobble method, this has delivered around 900 discoverie­s.

Direct Imaging

Occasional­ly, by blocking the light from a parent star astronomer­s can actually directly image an exoplanet. This method has resulted in the discovery of 54 worlds outside the Solar System. This includes TYC 8998-760-1 b and c, pictured below.

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