All About Space

Servicing an observator­y


1 Blasting off

In order to service Hubble, NASA launched a Space Shuttle via a pair of solid rocket boosters and an external tank. This contained all the replacemen­t parts and a mechanical arm.

2 Heading for lowEarth orbit

The Space Shuttle, with a team of astronauts on board, broke away from its boosters as it powered towards a low-Earth orbit with the components to service Hubble.

3 Operating the arm

Controlled via Mission Control and monitored by the astronauts themselves, NASA used the Canadarm, or Shuttle Remote Manipulato­r System (SRMS), to begin removing faulty components.

4 Installing new components

Over the course of around nine days, degraded or faulty elements were replaced by new and upgraded instrument­s and tools, enabling Hubble to continue its mission.

5 Returning to operation

After 10 or 11 days, the

Space Shuttle retracted the Canadarm and began its trip back to Earth. Hubble could now resume its stargazing vigil.

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