All About Space



1 Mare Acidalium

The broadest and darkest feature visible on Mars, Mare Acidalium is a very prominent region that’s easily picked up by a combinatio­n of telescope and eyes well-adapted to the dark.

2 Solis Lacus

Most commonly called the Eye of Mars, Solis Lacus is a dark feature on Mars that is frequently swamped by violent dust storms.

3 Olympus Mons

Olympus Mons is hailed as the largest volcano in the Solar System at around 22.5 kilometres (14 miles) high. If you have a blue filter handy – and are patient – you might be able to spot Martian clouds around the peak.

You won’t be able to see the caldera at the summit, though.

4 Tharsis Montes

A volcanic range very close to Olympus Mons consisting of three giant volcanoes: Arsia, Pavonis and Ascraeus Mons.

5 Syrtis Major

This appears as a dark V-shaped spot on the boundary between Mars’ northern lowlands and southern highlands.

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