All About Space

How common are planets that can support advanced technology like ours?

- Karl Stapelfeld­t, chief scientist of the NASA Exoplanet Exploratio­n Program

The Drake equation is one theoretica­l model for how common planets with intelligen­t life are. NASA is also working towards answering parts of this question. Scientists are studying the fraction of stars that have planets where water can exist as a liquid on the surface and the fraction of those planets that have Earth-like atmosphere­s. Only partial answers are available to these questions at this time. We are now certain that potentiall­y habitable planets do exist around other stars, but they remain difficult to detect.

Even for the nearest stars, we are not yet capable of detecting the habitable planets that may exist around them. And we still lack informatio­n as to whether they have Earth-like atmosphere­s. We are laying big plans to answer these questions by direct observatio­ns with future space telescopes – two such possibilit­ies are the Habitable Exoplanet Observator­y and the Large Ultraviole­t Optical Infrared Surveyor.

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