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Can you find the celebrity name hidden in this Starspot Crossword? Complete the crossword in the normal way then make a note of the letters contained in all the squares which are marked with shaded stars. These letters will make an anagram of the name you are looking for.


1. Eyeglass (7)

8. Particular form, translatio­n (7)

9. Exempt from duty (3-4)

10. Roman sea-god (7)

11. Breather (7)

14. Append (3)

16. Leave (4)

18. Witty saying (4)

19. Belonging to the second person (4)

20. Gangster (4)

21. Day before (3)

23. Whirling round (7)

26. Importune (7)

28. Violent windstorm (7)

29. Weariness (7)

30. Receptacle for dirt (7)


1. Driver (8)

2. Connection (5)

3. Welsh dog (5)

4. Flattened (6)

5. Snare (4)

6. Alcoholic drink (7)

7. In the past (4)

12. Bath stopper (4)

13. Cloth strip (4)

15. Stained (4)

16. Wharf (4)

17. Wolfram (8)

18. Degree of excellence (7)

22. Examined carefully (6)

24. French novelist (5)

25. Freeze (3,2)

26. Divan (4)

27. Zoo enclosure (4)

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