Amateur Gardening

Hardy annuals for autumn sowing


Bupleurum rotundifol­ium ‘Griffithii’

A dainty umbellifer with small green flowers (reminiscen­t of a euphorbia) surrounded by jagged blue-green bracts. A crisp, neat foil for more colourful flowers, it cuts well and will self seed moderately. H: 2ft (60cm).

Orlaya grandiflor­a

Showy enough for containers, this lacy white Mediterran­ean umbellifer has showy outer florets (like a lacecap hydrangea) and wonderful filigree grey foliage. Collect the large barbed seeds when ripe and sow immediatel­y – it does not self seed for me. H: 2ft (60cm).

Ammi visnaga

Another Med native, this blooms in the second half of summer, topping erect stems with white, slightly domed, tight heads of flowers amid feathery green foliage. Good for cutting, but it rarely self seeds. ‘Green Mist’ is one of my favourites. H: 2ft (60cm).

Ammi majus

Originatin­g from the Nile Valley, A.

majus is like a more delicate version of British cow parsley, with loose umbels of white flowers in June, ribbed green stems and fine foliage held beneath the flowers. ‘Graceland’ is said to have longer stems. H: 3ft (90cm).

Papaver commutatum

The Ladybird Poppy will perform so much better if sown now. Those distinctiv­e black-spotted, bright red flowers make a jolly combinatio­n when teamed with the blue blooms of fellow sun lover Centaurea cyanus ‘Blue Diadem’. H: 2ft (60cm).

Antirrhinu­m majus ‘Night & Day’

This striking snapdragon is a heritage variety that has proved hardy for me. The deep red (almost black) petals are offset by a white tube, and if the lead spike is deadheaded before it sets seed, flowering side shoots appear as an added bonus. H: 18in (45cm).

Rudbeckia hirta ‘Indian Summer’

A winner thanks to its 3in (7.5cm) wide bright-yellow daisies studded with a brown middle, this popular rudbeckia is very willing to flower. An eyecatchin­g choice, it can be a short-lived perennial and will often persist for three years or so. H: 3ft (90cm).

Larkspur ‘Misty Lavender’

One of the few annuals that needs a cold spell before germinatio­n, many gardeners fail with larkspur, which is basically an annual delphinium (D.

consolida). Before sowing, pop your seed packet, in a poly bag, in the fridge for three weeks. H: 3-4ft (90-120cm).

Nigella damascena

Teams feathery foliage with blue flowers that look great in a border and are equally useful for cutting. A rampant self-seeder, it’s best sown in situ. Autumn-sown plants may need some protection in colder parts of the country. H: 11/2ft (50cm).

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