Amateur Gardening


Which grass seed to choose plus the science behind sowing


NOW spring is here and the soil is drying out and warming up, it’s the ideal time to give your lawn some care as it starts back into growth.

This week’s AG is a Lawn Care Special and I’m looking at different ways to create a lawn, and learning about the science behind grass-seed developmen­t. Anne Swithinban­k’s troublesho­oting masterclas­s (pages 36-37) is all about solving problems, and how to keep your lawn in tip-top condition and free of weeds and pests.

Our experts also answer a query from a reader on page 39, who is concerned that her patch-seeded area of lawn looks far smarter than the rest – and what can she do?

Spring is a good time to create a new lawn, either from turf or seed, and on these pages I show you how to achieve both. Before you undertake either, you need to prepare the ground for your new grass. Weed it thoroughly, also removing debris that may create unsightly bumps and troughs. Enrich the soil with wellrotted manure or compost; it must be well rotted otherwise it will create an uneven surface as it decomposes further.

Then tamp or tread the ground level and begin sowing or turfing.

Strictly speaking, autumn is the best time to lay turf as it should need less watering than in spring and summer. However, whenever you lay turf, it will be ready for use before a seeded lawn.

Growing a lawn from seed is less expensive and there is a massive range of seed mixes available to suit every area of your garden, as I discovered when I spoke to an expert from Johnsons Lawn Seed (see opposite).

Unfortunat­ely, seeds may be eaten by birds and their soil dug over by cats before they can germinate, so you need to take steps to protect them.

Whatever you are doing with your lawn this spring, let AG help you make the most of it for the rest of the year.

 ??  ?? Perennial weeds must be removed completely Sowing and weeding are two important springtime lawn-care jobs
Perennial weeds must be removed completely Sowing and weeding are two important springtime lawn-care jobs

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